Ch. 3

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After another hour of random questions, mainly asked by James, we finally left. Steve hardly said a word the entire time... he just listened. It was creepy and his gaze was slightly intimidating. If he would've talked, it wouldn't have been as bad.

We just parked at the front and I climb out, straightening my dress. James and Steve follow and we awkwardly stand in the drive.

"Grazi, Alex, Mateo." I wave them off as they bring the car to the garage.

"Well, I had fun but I'm exhausted. Can you two find your way back to the guest house?"

"Um it's a little confusing... mind showing us?" James asks. I groan in my head but give a small smile and nod.

~Steve Rogers~

I'm not sure what came over me but I couldn't speak while we were at the bar. I just stared at her. I feel like a teenager again... too afraid to speak to a woman. I'm honestly not sure what's going on with me, I've never acted like this before. Usually, I'm good with the ladies but they usually make it easy. Bella definitely doesn't. There's something mysterious about her but it's alluring.

When she walks passed us, I catch a whiff of her perfume and close my eyes in pure bliss. She smells amazing... it's intoxicating, a mix of cinnamon, vanilla, and floral. Fuck me... I'm addicted and I've barely spoken 10 words to her. Bucky nudges me when he notices and I glare at him, which only makes him laugh. I shove him and quickly catch up to Bella, also staring at her ass. I'm an ass man, what can I say?

"Um thank you for today." I say when I catch up with her. She looks over at me, shocked I spoke.

"You're welcome. I'm surprised you're speaking especially when you've stared at me the entire day." I smirk. I'm not going to lie, it's thrilling to be called out.

"I can't help it... you're beautiful. Um would you want to show me around the city tomorrow?" She scoffs, shaking her head.

"And why would I do that? You've done nothing but stare at me and my ass all day like I'm a piece of meat. Then saying you want to fuck me. You're not doing too well, Steven." I can't help but smile as she calls me out. It's refreshing. And the full name? Fuck me.

"And now you're smiling like a lunatic. Have a good evening you two." She scoffs and starts walking away but I stop her.

"Look I'm sorry... let me make it up to you? Just give me a chance." I sigh. I'm definitely not used to fighting for a woman's attention but I love it. She stares at me, contemplating if she wants to do this. I'm literally begging her with my eyes. Hell if I need to get on my knees, I'll do it.

I just want to spend time with her.

"Fine. 9am sharp." I try to contain the shit eating grin on my face but can't.

"See you then, darlin." I notice a little blush and I smile even more. She gives a small nod before walking off. My eyes follow her, staring at her round butt, I catch Bucky smirking at me.

"Shut up." He laughs as we walk inside.

"Ya know... I'm beginning to think this is more than just wanting to get in her pants. You like her." I simply roll my eyes. I do not do relationships. I sleep with women and that's it. No strings attached.

"Buck, I don't like her. I don't do relationships." He's not believing me. Oh well, that's on him. I bid him goodnight and go in my room. He's a pain in the ass but I trust him with my life. He's the only one I trust with my life. We've been friends since we were 6, when he saved me from being beaten up. He's my best friend.

As I lay down, hopeful to sleep, Bella comes to my mind. I've never felt like this. I don't fight for women but I want to fight for her. I love that she doesn't take my shit and calls me out. Those big brown eyes pierce your soul and those lips are dying to be kissed. I've wanted to pin her up against a wall since I saw her in that bikini.

What am I doing...?


The next morning, I wake up at 7:30 to get a quick work out in but decided to go on a run instead. I just showered and finished getting dressed so I'm walking to the main house for breakfast. Sofia mentioned she cooks every morning for Mr Romano and his sons so she invited me. Steve left early this morning to head back to Chicago. He needs to deal with one of the clubs we run drugs through.

"Buongiorno signor Rogers!" I smile at Sofia, she reminds me of my grandmother.

"Good morning Mrs Sofia."

"Would you like coffee?" Her thick accent rings through my ears.

"Please. Um two sugars." She nods and I watch as she pours the drink. I smile and thank her as she hands me the cup.

"Sofia! Hai visto papa?" So I've learned papa means dad but I still have no idea what Bella just yelled. When she comes into the room, I nearly choke on my coffee and almost spill it on myself.

"Morning Steve." She smiles and my breath hitches in my throat. When her back is to me, I let my eyes roll down her body and stop at her round ass. Fuck those shorts... they're so short I can see the curves of her ass peaking out and I nearly groan. The sweater she's wearing is a crop top and I can see her skin peaking out. I seriously want to fun my hands, and mouth, all over her skin. It looks so soft. Fuck I can feel myself growing just at the sight.

"Grazi, Sofia!" Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts and she walks off. Sofia gives me a knowing look and I feel my face get hot.

"Forgive me for stepping out of line but that girl is like my daughter. My figlia. If you want to get to know her, stop staring at her like a piece of meat." I'm shocked at her words but I understand them.

"I'm sorry... she's just really beautiful." She nods, agreeing with me.

"She is. And if you hurt her, Mr Romano will be the least of your worries." Somehow, I know she's right and I except that. Italian women are scary.

"Yes mam." I hear someone coming down the stairs and stand when I see Mr Romano, along with his sons. Bella is walking behind Luca, silently annoying him by poking him.

"Good morning, Mr Romano." I shake his hand then the two others. Bella is staring at me, and I can't help but smirk as her eyes drag down my body. When she notices, she blushes but then rolls her eyes.

"Papa, we're leaving. Have a good day, don't kill anyone." He laughs as she kisses his cheek.

"Have fun, figlia. Keep her safe, Mr Rogers." I nod and shake his hand. She slaps her brothers upside the head then ruffles their hair.

"Bye asshats!" I chuckle as we walk out of the house. She's walking in front of me and yes, I stare at her ass. Suddenly she stops walking and I nearly run into her.

"Alright, listen. If we're going to spend the day together, no more staring at my ass or tits. I am not a piece of meat." My smile falls when I see the anger in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Bella... I don't see you as a piece of meat. You're beautiful and I like looking at you. I won't be disrespectful again." She stares at me, anger slowly fading away.

"I like looking at you too but don't make it creepy. Men have always treated me like a piece of meat especially in... my line of work." She looks away from me and I instantly feel bad even though I don't understand why. I reach out, placing my hand on her arm and a shiver goes down my spine. The smell of her perfume runs through my senses, intoxicating me. Fuck I'm screwed.

"I'm sorry, I truly am. I won't look at your ass unless you say I can." She laughs and my heart skips a beat at the sound. It sounds like honey and I long to hear it again.

"We both know that's a lie but I appreciate it. Let's go, Mr Rogers." Fuck I love when she calls me that. She grabs my hand and I blindly follow her to the car.

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