Bestfriends Brother

368 6 2

Words: 599

Statues: Crushes at the moment

Karl: 16 y/o in highschool
Angela: 15 y/o in highschool
Chris: 20 y/o in college on line

Karl's pov
So I was hanging out with my best friend Angela from school. I am 16 and I'm in highschool. Angela is my best friend since pre-school and she thinks I'm straight. I'm not I'm actually gay but I didn't want to tell her because I don't know if she will judge me. Anyways we are having a sleepover I guess and she has this really hot brother. His name's Chris and he's 20 only 4 years apart. We sometimes bump into each other and it's kind of akward for me but we have talked and hanged out a couple of times while Angela is around we never been alone. But we are in Angela's bedroom right now doing homework.

"Hey Karl can you got get me a water please." Angela says nicely. "Umm yeah sure." Karl says getting up and going downstairs.

Karl goes to the fridge and gets a water. While walking with his head down he bumps into a shirtless Chris who has no shirt on and gray sweatpants. Karl face starts to get really red.

"Umm hey. Karl right." Chris says looking down at Karl. "Y-yeah." Karl says stuttering. "Cute name." "T-thanks." Karl says with a little smile on his face. "So what are you doing here." Chris says getting something out of the fridge. "Hanging out with Angela." Karl says. "Your cute." Chris says with a smile. "Thank you I guess." "You don't get that alot do you." Chris says getting a drink of water. "Eh." Karl says unsure.

"Are you gay." Chris says wondering. "Hmm" making sure he heard Chris right. "You can tell me if I want" Chris says with a soft voice. "Yeah" Karl says scared. "You don't have to be scared I'm not going to judge you, I'm gay to" Chris says looking at Karl. "You hot" Karl says just blurting out on accident and covers his mouth and turns really really red.

"I'm what?" Chris says smirking. Chris starts walking towards Karl until his back hit the fridge now Chris is a few inches away from his face and Karl is heavy breathing. "U-umm nothing sorry." Karl says. "It's okay, your pretty hot yourself." Chris says smirking. "T-thanks you." Karl says stuttering.

They look in into each other's eyes

"You know I have been having an eye for you for awhile now." Chris says. His lips a few inches from Karl's lips. Karl looking at Chris's lips. "Cute eyes." Chris says looking into Karl's eyes. A few seconds later Chris decides to kiss Karl and Karl kisses back shocked. A few seconds later Angela comes downstairs

"What are you doing you ass whole, leave Karl alone. "Angela says ontop of the stairs. "We, we were just talking." Smiling at Karl before he pulls himself away from his body. "He's just a kid Chris." Angela says coming to the kitchen. "No I'm not." Karl says in a kid way crossing his arms. "I know. But at least he's and adorable kid." Chris says smiling at Karl who was blushing so much. "I'm not a fucking kid." Karl says. "Okay okay sorry." Angela says laughing a little

Angela goes upstairs and then Chris checks Karl out and mouths to call him and winks at him before going to his room. Karl blushes and goes back upstairs to Angela's bedroom.


I'm sorry it's short but I will be posting a part two tomorrow since I have school and I have to go to bed. I hope you like these oneshots because I love making them. Goodnight

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