Chapter 6

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We stand in the scientist, Andreiko's lab as Hobbs makes a phone call. "Tell us everything you know, about this" Deck orders as Hattie raises her hand to show the injection marks to the scientist. "When were you exposed?" he asks shocked. "About 30 hours ago" Hattie replies. "Then the capsules containing the virus are still intact" Andreiko explains. "So we need to neutralise it" Hobbs says, joining the conversation. The scientist explains that it isn't that easy and the virus isn't programmed to any DNA sequence and is fatal to everyone. "In 42 hours the capsules will dissolve and she will be infected, then the virus will go air born. We are talking global contamination within a week" he continues to explain and we all look at him in disbelief. "Why in the hell would you create something like this?" Hobbs asks in shock. "Because I thought I was one of them" Andreiko answers simply. "Eteon" Deck adds unimpressed. Andreiko explains how he came to trust Eteon and develop the virus for them. Apparently it was a carrier for vaccines but Eteon redeveloped it to attack the weakest of the human race. "For a scientist, you seem incredibly stupid" I say with no emotion. "Well, I'm a two-time Nobel prize winner but who's counting" he responds raising his hands as if his prizes were nothing. I roll my eyes at him with a sigh.

"You said the virus is programmable, so reprogram it" Hobbs suggest, moving the conversation along again. "I can't reprogram it while it's in a host" Andreiko replies obviously, as if we should know that. "Just tell us how to get this thing out of me" Hattie demands, seemingly getting frustrated. This is all probably very stressful for her. "Well, there are two options and the first one is easy" he says and I finally feel a glimmer of hope. A 'go' and 'finally' is said by Hobbs and Deck clearly liking the idea of an easy option. "Kill her" Andreiko answers. "What!" I say in disbelief. You've got to be kidding me. "And burn the body of course" he adds obviously, again. "Of course" Hattie and Hobbs reply calmly. How are they calm? "I mean really burn it" Andreiko clarifies. "Really burn it" I repeat and stand a little straighter. "To ash" Andreiko adds again. "To ash" Deck repeats, clearly unimpressed. "Beyond all recognition" Andreiko continues to add. "We're not doing that" I answer simply. "Ye, let's assume that's not an option shall we genius" Deck tells him frustrated. "Ye it doesn't work for us. Option number 2" Hobbs finishes and moves to our other option.

"There is a machine that can preserve her life and extract the virus" Andreiko explains and I frown at him confused. What is wrong with this man? That should've been option one not option two. Deck looks at me confused and I shrug my shoulders at him. "That should've been option one" Hobbs says. "But it is impossible to get to" Andreiko justifies. "We'll decide what's impossible" Deck says determined. He was always determined, it's one of the things I loved about him. "Where is it?" I ask Andreiko, just as determined as Deck. "It's in the Eteon laboratory where the snowflake was developed. But if you go there, all four of you will die" Andreiko answers. Well that's not good. "So basically what you're saying is that she dies no matter what" Hobbs concludes and I sigh in defeat. This isn't going to plan. "Well, who needs a drink?" Hattie asks. "I know just the place" Deck says and we all leave the stupid scientist alone.

We enter Deck's apparent safe house with multiple cars of different brands and sizes. Hobbs obviously takes this opportunity to tease Deck but Deck replies with a snarky comment and I can't help the grin that appears on my face. Hattie pours herself a drink along with one for me and Hobbs. I take my drink with a thanks before downing the shot and walking over to Deck's row of computers. He explains his connection with someone in Moscow who can set us up with gear and Hobbs clearly teases Deck about his history with friends and I roll my eyes. I take a look at the screens as Deck answers Hobbs frustrated. I see the new ID's he's set up for us and the plane tickets he's booked to Moscow. "You know as well as I do getting out of this country is going to be incredibly difficult. We've already got every major intelligence agency hunting us down" Hobbs explains as Hattie gets up and stands beside me as she adds "And there's the fact you disgraced MI6 when you betrayed your team". I watch Deck look at her and then give me a look of sympathy but I don't say anything. "Don't believe everything you hear" Deck answers before taking our pictures for our new passports.

Hobbs points out that we need to blend in and I add "hide in plain sight" before Deck replies with "That's why we'll be flying commercial". Hobbs attempts to argue with him but Deck just takes his picture while he's talking and I hide a smile. Deck explains how we'll get through the airport undetected and then gives us all a bag of clothes. "This is probably the only thing that's gonna fit" he says as he passes Hobbs a bag. "Fit what? A smurf" Hobbs replies sarcastically. "I think that's one of my old ones. I apologise in advance if it's a little lose around the balls" Deck replies quickly and I grin at him. He's always so confident. He then explains our new ID's while handing us our file.

Hattie and I enter a back room to change into our disguises when Hattie once again asks if I'm ok. "I haven't stopped thinking about what things were like before he left. And even though I'm so mad and I don't even want to speak to him, I can't stop remembering little things" I answer with a sigh and sit on the sofa in the room. "You're allowed to remember. Let's be honest, you haven't thought about him in years" she replies with a kind smile and I nod. I did everything that I could to not think of him after he left and over time it got easier but I never forgot about him or what we had.

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