A Super Saiyan Conveyor Belt

Start from the beginning

The cackling Meta-Cooler pointed his index toward the struggling Super Saiyan while hundreds of thousands of Meta-Coolers began rushing toward him like a living downpour of cyborgs, soaring across and accelerating with Hyper Movement before mercilessly slamming their entire bodies into the Saiyan king with no worry about what damage they'd inflict upon their own bodies, for when they collapsed their bodies quickly evolved a stronger, thicker and more pronounced spine, more capable of withstanding similar impacts in the future.

The force of the collision had been so intense that each one caused a minor explosion from the detonating Ki that the silver cyborgs used from a reactor within them to form their aura and generate the Ki attacks they employed in battle. The sum of the blasts made for a barrage of explosions that littered the already damaged and ransacked reactor room. Meanwhile, a younger Saiyan observed from down below, trembling and panting heavily.

"Vegeta-san..." Gohan whimpered to himself as he clenched his fists, trying to call forth some specks of power from within him but failing to do so. Should he just turn tail and run? Maybe if he found Bulma, she could heal him like she healed Vegeta by using the Big Gete Star's technology, and then he could rejoin the battle but... Should he even rejoin it? Even fully recovered and with his full power back, can he truly oppose 10 000 000 000 Meta-Coolers? Could any force in the universe?

The visage of the silver cyborg appeared before Gohan with an upward curve to his lips and eyes, just as cruel as Frieza's. "Shaking in terror, runt? That's fine. This one is aware that the full splendor of Project Meta-Cooler can be stunning," the cyborg mocked the teen and his hesitation to either join the battle or make any other type of decision.

With an unintelligible battle cry, Gohan charged at the Meta-Cooler with all the force he could muster up. The youth exploded with a brilliant, transparent Ki all around him as Gohan delivered a soaring uppercut and tested the extension of Meta-Cooler's neck, popping off more than a few metallic cords that soon tied back together and allowed for new, armored plating to surround this Meta-Cooler's neck to prevent beheading in the future.

Yellow energy gleamed and sparkled, surrounding the teenager's fists as he sought to continue his offensive against the unrelenting cybernetic threat, Meta-Cooler dodged by diving out of the way but Gohan didn't squander his chance, instead, he found another nearby cyborg to crash and swing at. With each smashing blow, the Ki around Gohan's fists burst with a mighty explosion that left Gohan's own fists with bruises, and the resonance from the aftershock could have been felt in Gohan's own elbows and shoulders afterward.

He was too spent to keep going for long, even his own attacks taxed him. The Meta-Cooler Gohan had just dodged, just lifted his hand up, pointing upward, and generated a blazing energy blast, similar to a smaller, contained version of the Supernova attack he used freely outside. Compressing the blast even further, the Meta-Cooler with neck plating fired straight into Gohan's back. The teen Saiyan cried out in pain and let the force of the blast toss him around like a rag doll since he lacked any meaningful amount of strength to resist its tide.

Before Gohan could fall into the shaft and plummet for what might have been eternity before the inevitable splat in the garbage dump, Meta-Cooler replicant dashed in from the side with Hyper Movement and delivered a knee strike to the young Saiyan's jaw, tossing his head back where he could grab an entire handful of the boy's hair and drive his fist with hydraulic propulsion behind the elbow joint straight into the boy's face, leaving Gohan just an unresisting sack of a bloody mess.

"Father..." Gohan could hear his own voice inside his head while everything around him just black. A deafening shriek couldn't shut it until Gohan spoke with his focused thoughts, which put the screaming down to a halt. "How do you keep fighting? How do you just keep going? I can't..."

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