The Money & The Time

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I don't want to waste your time, so I'll cut to the chase.

These are the 'coins' that are used today

To better explain what I mean, I am going to use the term cryptocurrency.  A cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency that you have in your wallet or crypto address.  This coin has a certain value (depending on the coin) at a certain point in time.

But in turn, you can exchange this currency for another.  Well, money and time work the same way.  When you are at work, you are exchanging your 'currency' which is work time and also your knowledge for another which is the physical currency you use, such as the euro, the dollar, the pesos ... An infinity of currencies in definitive.

But what you do is that.  You spend some time and you are rewarded for it with another type of currency or value.

Someone once said that time is money, and this is just what I just told you, money and time are the two currencies used today.  You exchange your time for an amount of money (which varies depending on the time you dedicate and the knowledge you have had to acquire for that job)

The fact is that what you give is time.  Time that takes away your freedom, that takes time away from your hobies etc ... Wait, don't think I'm telling you not to work and stay at home doing nothing.  Quite the contrary, but now you will see to what end I am telling you this.

When someone hires you, they can do it for several reasons, because your resume (studies or knowledge) catches their attention, because they need someone to invest time for them in something (keep the last thing I just said) or simply because they want to have something help for your work in your business.

Well, now you will tell me, okay, and ... what is all this about?

Well, if you have been reading carefully before, you will have noticed that there are 2 fundamental reasons why someone will want to hire you.  To take advantage of your knowledge or studies or for you to invest your time and not be the one who has to do it.

And now is when you are going to have to think, now is when I ask you, before continuing reading, try to open your mind to a new idea, remember that throughout this book you will not stop finding new ideas that you may find strange , but if you look at them with an open mind, you will realize that this is the case.

Today, anyone with money has a team of people for 2 fundamental reasons.  Let's take the example of Meta for example.

The truth is that I do not know the story of Mark Zuckerberg to the letter nor do I know how he came to found Meta.  But what I do know is that obviously he's not alone.  He has a group of people and collaborators with whom he shares the work.  These people from any perspective could be seen as workers, what is the problem, the problem, (depends on who you look at) is that thanks to these people Mark does not have to invest as much time.  He only has to approve the decisions and he is done.  But there are other people who have already had the ideas of those decisions instead of having to have those ideas himself.  Where I'm going with this is that Mark has built a business that gives him freedom.  The possibility of being free, of not having to go to a specific place to work, of having pressure on yourself, but of getting rid of the stress of not being able to make it to the end of the month, which the truth is that it seems to me a much worse stress.  Or not necessarily not making ends meet, because in the end, anyone with a decent job can make ends meet.  But he not only has removed that concern, but he also has the possibility of having luxuries.  Thanks to his hard work, he has managed to have a business that gives him that freedom, not having a place, not having limitations, having every day free to think about new things.

Now you may think, but ... surely he has to endure worse pressures than reaching the end of the month, after all, he has the most famous social networks and with the most visits per second in the world.  That must cause stress, but certainly not to Mark, but to those who work for him.  All he has to do is approve decisions and be aware of the news, don't get me wrong, this is also a job, he thinks that being such famous social networks they do not stop innovating, so he has the pressure to know / Think about whether people are going to like this novelty, because if people don't like it, what's the use of investing money in programmers to do that if people aren't going to use it later.

What I'm going to do is this, once I have explained everything well broken down to you, I want to summarize it in a few lines.

As you already know, this book is about freedom over capitalism.  My goal throughout this book is for you to understand what this concept means and to know and understand tactics that can help you achieve it.

Summary of this chapter

- The currencies used are money and time.  All you do is go to that kind of 'exchange' that is the job where you exchange it for money.

- Freedom is achieved when you have other people who do things for you.  Or you just have something that passively gives you money without having to have anyone but you.  Basically when you have some type of business that gives you enough money to support yourself and have for your whims, and also to maintain and continue improving the business.

- Nothing is achieved by wandering.  You are not going to change anything by lying on your bed while you read this.  You are going to change things when you sit at your table, and start writing revolutionary ideas that would change the world.  No matter how crazy they seem or how difficult and unattainable you may see them.  In the next chapter I will talk about this topic.

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