chapter two the band

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Linders pov.

I'm talking to the band as I'm the manager ugh i need to talk to father (boss) we go trough everything and the others have been teasing with calling tinder but I'm already used to it tho

But i hope kannazuki is okay, they haven't been like they where then usually after the break up with yukko they ended the relationship but both of them are dragged down because of it i hope they are okay even if i don't like grammarly that much

I hope tacomi is going to be here because i gave them a ticket so yeah that's that.

After i have gone to tacomi and them talking about Rick rolling the others which i find awesome but behind us there was a two kids one seems to prevent the other one drinking ehmm what does it say vodka!
And me being the responsible person that i am i asked for a shot lucky me they gave me a sip

(They are like 17 here not their real age!)

Bob's pov

After i gave the stranger a sip louie took the vodka away

Louie: bad bob bad!

After that lilac giggles is she giggling at me how can she!

The person i asked for looked familiar wait...

Bob: hey you aren't you the manager of the band ehm your name is linder right

Linder: oh am i that feel known? Wow i didn't like that,i like you kid

Bob: for your information I'm 17!

Linder: oh so you're underage drinking wow anyways im just 18 myself

Bob: you're just 18 i thought you are older!

Linder: HEY for your information everyone in the band is 18 or 19!
And the person besides me is tacomi but everyone calls them taco

Ghosty: i guess it's nice meeting you two

LINDER: wha- wher did you come from?

Ghosty: i was here the holl time im ghosty the person besides me lilac and these two are louie and bob

Linder: ahh thanks

Lilac: when does the concert gonna begin?

Linder: be patient be patient i tell you when it's going to start

Lilac: ughhhhhhh

Lilac pov.

Ben why do you always get us in a mess i mean look now i met the manager of the band what's next i become friends with all of them!
Wait actually would probably not happen if I'm being honest.

Damn you bob for getting us here and why did they have to sit in front of us does life hate me.....? Remember those dumb words of bob that i shouldn't look back or a train is going to hit me i guess that's all of that i guess

Linder: hey it begins!

Bob: yay now here we go

(It starts the lyrics is by me so yeah)

Who knows what is going too know what happenes end

They tell me give up and i almost did but i know the time but i still move on my dream i will not give up! Even if it's gonna be the end ofcourse i had my downs but who cares about that?!

Going in the past they always said all they said was something how I'm useless my family pressuring me i feel my nerves explode.

Im not going ina facade of lies in the end will hit me like a train make me fall to knees...
Wanting to restart sooooooo

I left behind making self picking myself up!
Never giving up!
I may have fallen so many times but i wouldn't let you down!!!

I know it's hard if i am not the one you should trust because i have lost so many things not going to drag me down!

I'm there even hate me will come and take your arm

| /error story needs to reload tomorrow

G|i!(h: h! N:c€ t○ m€€t y○u

Anyways this is the second chapter the word count issss drummer roll isss you know :666 i know bad but I'm to lazy to correct it

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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