Chapter 6

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"She's looking right at us." Julian muttered. "She's looking right at us!"
"What do we do?" The Captain whispered.

Emily was rather taken aback. She felt as though she was intruding on something she wasn't supposed to see. The way they all gawped at her like she was some kind of creature was starting to make her uncomfortable.
"Are you guys okay? You look like you've seen a ghost or something!" Emily laughed nervously.
"Easy for you to say." Thomas murmured. But Emily was not short of hearing.
"Now, what's that supposed to mean?" She shot the poet a fierce glare. He cowered behind Robin; his cheeks a furious shade of red.
"Erm, yes, well, you see." The Captain blundered.
"We're ghosts." Pat, alas, blurted out. The ghosts each exchanged a varying level of frustration and annoyance at the scout leader. He returned this with an exasperated, "what? We are!"

The ghosts returned their attention to Emily, who had not yet dusted the blizzard aftermath of flour from herself. Moments of silence passed before she erupted into laughter. The ghosts were expecting many, many reactions. This was not one of them.

"What so funny?" Robin asked.
"Look at you! You even sound like a caveman as well!" Emily laughed. The flour was starting to fall from her body in clouds each time she hurled over from laughing. "And the arrow! That's awesome. It looks so real. Can I touch it?"

The moment of truth arrived. Emily Wick, in the midst of her laughing fit, reached over to feel the blue arrow that lay embedded in Pat's neck like a victory flag. Her hand went straight through it.

Pat gipped. Julian winced. Kitty gasped. The Captain sighed.

Emily froze.

"What..." a hot flush washed over her face and the sinking feeling of doom flourished in her stomach.

"Emily, we're ghosts."

Emily Wick knew not how much time had passed when she awoke on the kitchen floor, her head pounding angrily. She groaned, and then sat up.

Memories started to trickle back in when she saw the flour that still matted her hair and clothes.

Then the memory of the ghosts she saw hit her.

She scrambled to her feet, nearly slipping in the flour as she rose. Her eyes darted from side to side. No ghost was in sight. Perhaps she had dreamt them? Yes. Yes, she must have. As she had been reaching for the flour in the cupboard, it fell and hit her head, causing her to pass out. She chuckled heartily to herself.

There were more things in heaven and earth ratio than dreamed of in our philosophy. But this was apparently not one of them.

She reached for the sweeping brush leaned against the fridge, and got straight to work in cleaning the mess she had made.

*Half an Hour earlier*

"Do you think she's alright?" Humphrey asked from where Thomas had placed him on the kitchen table. They all stood around the unconscious girl and stared at her pitifully.
"She will be. Happened all the time to the tikes on camp. Always happened when we were skinning the rabbits." Pat laughed to himself. Julian raised an eyebrow at him.
"Oh, I do hope she's okay!" Kitty exclaimed.
"Fear not, Katherine. I'm sure when she comes around she'll be up and ready for battle." The Captain reassured.
"And then what will we do? She's already not fond on the thought of seeing us." Thomas sighed. "We'll be running around in circles all day!"
"No, I think she's already had the nasty shock. She will come round when she wakes up." Everyone turned to Lady Button, who actually bore a sad expression for the girl. "For now, let her sleep."

Emily made easy work of cleaning the kitchen. But it was now herself that needed the makeover. Flour fell from her in clusters every time she moved. She decided she would go and use the bathroom to clean up, and then change into the spare clothes she brought in her overnight bag. It was already starting to get dark.

Five minutes later and she was flour free, all fresh and clean in her sweatpants and t-shirt. She still had a few hours left until the evening came, and so she took it upon herself to further explore the house.

"Well, she's awake. And tidied up after herself!" Pat gleamed as the ghosts stood in the kitchen where the damsel in distress had previously lay.
"Has she gone home?" Kitty whined.
"No. The doors be opens." Mary said, shaking her head. Kitty breathed a sigh of relief.
"Probably gone to change." Humphrey suggested.
"Probably. But, what will we do now, then? I mean, we can't just avoid her!" Julian exclaimed.
"Someone ought to go and tell her. Not all of us at once." Fanny said with a sigh. The others were still taken aback by her sudden tenderness towards the girl.
"I do it!" Robin yelled gleefully.
"Don't be stupid!" Julian retorted.
"I could always go? I mean, I'd say I'm the friendliest ghost here!" Pat laughed.
"Yes, and I suppose the arrow in your neck will really help soften the blow." Julian mumbled with a disregarding shake of his head.
"I'll speak to her!" Kitty squealed. "And I'll bring Mary, too! We can all be a friendship threesome!" Julian, Pat and the Captain all flushed.
"Come now, Kitty! Let's not lose our heads. Sorry, Humphrey!" The Captain said.
"It's alright." Humphrey sighed.
"No, I've decided to take initiative and speak to young Emily myself. After all, I consider myself the leader here, and it seems only fitting that I am the one to make introductions." The Captain stated.

The others decided not to object. Of course, The Captain was the only fitting ghost to speak to Emily. Pat had an arrow through his neck. Julian had no trousers. Robin was, well, Robin.

And so, with that, The Captain strode through the house to officially introduce himself to Emily Wick.

Sorry about the late update guys I really am!!
But what did everyone think of the Christmas special???
Please leave your feedback in the comments as I do really appreciate it!!!
Love you all!

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