Chapter 2: Modeling (Part 1)

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After that incident with Dazai and Chuuya, they both tried to forget about that moment but couldn't. 

"Wait so you really encountered Nakahara Chuuya!?" Atsushi was very surprised when Dazai brought up this news. Dazai closed his locker and looked right at Atsushi. "For the 50th time. YES!" Dazai said kind of getting annoyed as both of the boys walked down the hallway. "I'm sorry- It's just that my friend met THE Nakahara Chuuya!" Atsushi said trying to contain his excitement.  

"Hey speaking of which! There's this modeling thing happening down more in the busy city area!" Atsushi said looking up at Dazai. "Cool." Dazai knew what Atsushi wants, he wants him to go model but Dazai tried playing dumb. "You should try it out! I mean the girls at the school already fall for you." Atsushi said stopping at his locker to grab something. "No, I'm alright it's just-" Dazai tried thinking of an excuse. "I've been really busy with studying for the next exam I don't want to fail." There Dazai came with an ok excuse. 

Atsushi pulled out a piece of paper from his locker. "Oh your busy? Ok I thought you would be interested in the Chuuya thing that was gonna happen... but alright! Your studying is important anyways." Atsushi was about to put the paper back. "Wait- Give it to me!" Dazai said curiously. "No no. Your busy I get it." Atsushi said, but Dazai already took the paper from Atsushi. Dazai read that they needed to hire a model to model with Nakahara Chuuya for a new magazine cover. 

"Alright I'll do it!" Dazai said with a smile forming on his face. "What happened to study!?" Atsushi said knowing Dazai would do this. 

"Change of plans." Dazai said walking off with the paper. 

"Hey! Come back! That papers mine!" Atsushi yelled out trying to catch up with Dazai.

On Saturday the day the event was held they arrived at the building they were supposed to be at. There they saw a whole line wrapping around the building from the front entrance.

"Looks like a lot of people want to model with Chuuya..." Dazai said a little worried they might not be able to model with Chuuya. 

"It's alright I already made a booked a time when we can go in, since I knew it would get pretty busy here." Atsushi said. 

'Atsushi thank you so much!" Dazai said really happy that he would have a chance. 

About two hours later Dazai came back out of the building and sat back in the car were Atsushi was. "how was it?" Atsushi asked. "It was fucking bad! How the hell do people model!? It's fucking harder than it looks!" Dazai leaned his head on the chair. "Well we'll see who suits modeling with Chuuya." Atsushi said scrolling through his phone. 

"Yea I guess." Dazai said thinking about what Chuuya's doing. 


"No." Chuuya said in a serious voice as.

"Why not Chuuya!?" His manager said. 

"Why!? Because who would wanna fucking model with a random fan!? There just gonna touch me or use me to become famous themselves!" Chuuya argued back. 

"Chuuya! This is an opportunity! You need someone to model with you! Or else it'll ruin your modeling courier!!!" Chuuya's manager yelled back. Chuuya's manager was the guy who helped Chuuya get to were he is, he actually made Chuuya get into singing and modeling. But Chuuya never wanted to do this. His manager was Ogai Mori. Mori basically owned Chuuya, controlling his social media life, money, even freedom. 

"Remember I own you. I helped your helpless little ass get to were your at now." Mori said in a very serious voice. 

"Yes Mori." Chuuya said very angry and left by slamming the door behind him. 

When Chuuya got into his hotel room he slammed the door and sat on his bed. He grabbed a pillow and started punching it super hard. "I HATE HIM! I HATE EVERYTHING! WHY DID I HAVE THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME!?" Chuuya yelled. He buried his face into the pillow he squeezed in his arms. He wanted to cry he just wanted everything to disappear. 

But Chuuya didn't like to show his weak self. So he always was mad never wanting to cry in front of anyone not even to himself. Chuuya got up to look at a email he got in his phone. There it was, the email that showed his new modeling partner was picked.

Chuuya hated this. He always just wanted to live a regular teenage life.

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