Chapter 1-Whiplash

Start from the beginning


"You have to eat. Get your strength up." Another young doctor, one that had been recruited like me, slid a tray across the stone into what was essentially my jail cell. I was just pacing the floor. His name, Gregory Hopps. He was recruited straight from the FBI to "SHIELD".

"What did they do to him? To Stark." I could barely move my body anymore. They had replaced much of my body with mechanical equipment below the skin. The fact that i was alive was a miracle but i could have went without the scars going down my spine and forearms.

"You don't want me to answer that." My eyes shot up at him. He couldn't look at me. "You are too kind to know what they did and live with it."

"They killed him didn't they?"

"How did you think you got the serum?" My heart fell to my stomach at the idea of it. I didn't want to ever come in contact with that serum. Howard was the man who was responsible for the original serum. Always had stories to tell us about what the serum did to Steve Rogers. Great but should never be replicated. Howard's lazy ass kid was admitted to MIT my last year there. Was a pain in my ass the whole time. But every time i was ever in contact with Howard, it was a dream. He always seemed like he was proud to have influenced the career of the child of one of his closest friends and head scientist. There was something inside that made me want to make them both proud. My father and Howard. For him to be dead and for me to have the direct result of that be flowing through my veins, made me sick.

"Let me die of starvation Hopps. Send my body to my mother and say i got lost in the woods."

"I can't do that." He seemed nervous looking to the side to the doors. "You are the only one who hasn't gone completely insane with the serum. They are trying to save the others but you are the only stable one other then the Soldier."

"What do you mean?"

"They say that the serum intensifies your behaviors. These people were already insane. Imagine them now."

"Let HYDRA suffer then." Hopps' shoulders dropped as he groaned.

"You know i can't do that." I rolled my eyes.

"Can you tell me something Bunny?" Hopps resorted to sitting on the floor and leaning against the bars. He nodded letting me continue. "Who is The Soldier? Who is he really?" He cleared his throat.

"His name was James Buchanan Barnes. He was Captain America's best friend and the world thinks he'd dead." My breathing quickened. I remember that name. He should be dead but somehow he's here.

"That doesn't make sense. That was almost sixty years ago."

"They've been freezing him to keep him from aging. Taking him out whenever they needed him." There was a long pause as i processed everything. It's been sixty years since he was assumed dead and he looks as if he never aged a day. What was going to happen to me?

"Bunny?" I didn't even look him in the eye.


"If you are still here when my strength is back." I finally looked up. Straight into Gregory's eyes. "I will kill you slowly and painfully." He quickly stood up clearing his throat as he did.

"Get some rest Anya. You're going to need it." He quickly scrambled out of the room leaving me alone. I stared down at the food feeling my body slowly shutting down from the hunger. My hand lifted up but i couldn't open it. It felt like time was slowing down the more i looked at my hand. The more i tried to make my hand open.

"It won't always hurt." The same deep voice from before came out from the shadows. I looked up shocked seeing the outline of the man still standing in the dark.

"You don't know what this feels like." I wasn't scared of him at all. Something inside me told me that i didn't have to. James took one step forward into the light. His jacket was gone displaying a solid silver left arm. A red star on his upper arm.

"I do know."

"Do you know what they put in me?" Bucky raised his hand looking down.

"It's experimental. A way to get around cutting the whole arm off."

"Everything about me is experimental these days." He nodded moving closer to the bars. "Will they make you kill me?"

"They will try."

"Will you kill me?" Bucky went down to his knees in front of me. I could finally see his eyes. They were a deep blue. Almost gray from where i was.

"Some things they can't make me do."


Three years later

I stood in the line with the rest of the soldiers. We were all required to face off with Bucky to prove ourselves. To prove that we were able to be used in the field. Very soon after i received the serum, they made it very clear that i will have to face the consequences of fighting it. They never made it clear what those consequences were. Whether it be my murder or something worse. 

Bucky stepped forward towards me. The look in his eye told me that he was in there. Somewhere in there. "Step forward Anya." A voice announced from the safety of upstairs. I looked up at the corner. Men in lab coats were watching me as i stepped forward. Just inches from Bucky. 

"Go gentle on me James." The corner of his mouth lifted. He was there. Unfortunately, this didn't save me from having to fight him. He lifted his arm swinging at me. I ducked just in time landing a blow straight into his stomach. Bucky backed up before engaging fully into the fight. We grabbed and punched each other. The fight was short-lived. To be honest, we went full throttle into it. The more that we got into it the faster they tried to get us to stop trying to kill each other. 

"Enough." I landed one more kick into Bucky's knee. My femur had been replaced a year earlier so they blow hit him hard. I looked back up. A man in a suit emerged with a smile spread over his face. I will soon know him as the man to answer to. "You are perfect." Pierce said through a loud laugh. I bowed my head offering my hand to Bucky. He stood up pulling me close.

"Yes you are." He whispered separating himself from me.

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