Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“FINALLY! That plane ride took for eva!” Mo exclaimed.

“That's cause it was nine and a half hours long, duh!” Curls explained.

“I'M HOME! YAY!! PRINCESS IS BACK IN IRELAND!” I exclaimed, doing an extremely weird and terrible dance.

“Iz! Now the paps are going to surround us.” Autumn complained, seeing the flashes and microphones rush over to us.

“Princess!! Princess, over here!”

“How does it feel to be back home?”

“Over here!! Smile!!” flashes and questions and paps surrounded us in seconds, making it so we can't even move. They kept coming closer and made my claustrophobia act up. Mum saw that, and yelled at them to move. “Hey! Can't you remember she's claustrophobic! Please move!”

“Yes your highness.” they all replied moving out of the way.

“Thank ye.”

“Thanks mummy. Sorry, I forgot about the paps.” I said getting a little red in the cheeks. “Mum, where's the limo?”

“Right there, biz.”

“Oh...thanks.” I replied getting in the limo. “Hey Pather! Haven't seen ye in forever!” I exclaimed to my limo driver.

“Hey hun. I know. Now, where to? The castle, or the stables, or, um, where?”

“The castle.”


“So, mum, whats me surprise?” I asked when we got to the castle.

“Biz, it's inside.”

“Oh. Well then, lets go inside.” I said getting out of the limo. When I got inside the lights were all off, which was odd, since there was always people at the castle, kinda like a hotel. I turned around and looked for the light switch.

“WELCOM BACK YOUR HIGHNESS!!” everyone screamed when I turned the lights on, making me jump 14 feet in the air, and for me to start crying, I'm really emotional when I get home.

“THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! I missed you guys so much! I'm finally home!!”

“Baby Girl, can I talk to you for a moment?” Susan, my cook, who acts like my grandma, asked me, using my nick-name.

“Sure, Grama-Sue.” Grama-Sue is what I always call her. I followed her to the Commons-Area, otherwise known as the ballroom. “What are we doing in here, there's no one h-h-h-here........ONE DIRECTION AHHHH!! Oh my gosh! How, I Lurve you Sue!! Wait.....why is One Direction in my Ballroom? Ummmmm, I'm so confused. Can I have a pint? Thanks las.” I don't know why I'm so confused, but I just am. I know, I'm super crazy, just deal with it! HA!

“Baby-Girl, go sit down and rest, your just super tired, go to sleep. Do you want some food?”

“UMMMMM, DUH!!!!!!!!!!!” I answered with my stupid face. I always want food!! NOM NOM!!

“You're one crazy girl, I know you always want food. What's with NOM NOM?”

“OOOPS, I said that out loud, didn't I. HEHE.” I giggled, hiding my face behind my hair so no one saw me blushing.

“I'll be back in a minute. Would you like me to send your mum in here?”

“Yes please.”

“I'll be right, b” was all I heard cause I fell asleep.

Princess HoranTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon