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(Still Venti's POV)

I reread the note at least 10 times. Before I started to cry. I did not have that kind of money. But I had to at least try to save y/n I had to.

I went to the top of Dragonspine at 10:15 like the note said to. There I saw y/n look like she/he/other was about to cry. Her/his/other hair had dirty in it, and her/his/other skin had cuts all over it and dry blood. But for some reason y/n was smiling.

"Y/N!" I screamed running up to her/him/other, dropping my bow. I just want y/n to be ok.

"Don't worry Venti. I already took care of the fatui so we got all the time we need." Y/n said coughing up blood after speaking. While laughing a little.

"Why do talk like your going to die?"

"Look at me, Venti. I look exactly how I did that day but this time..."

"I can feel the weight of body."

"I can feel the sting of cuts"

"I can feel the ache in bones"

"I cam feel the ache in my heart."

"My curse has been lifted...."

"I can finally die."



"I know this is selfish of me to ask but...."

"I love you Venti. Even if you don't love me back. Please act like you do"

"Y/n, I-"

"One more thing Venti."

"I do believe that your barbatos."

"... Y/n, I just want you to..."

"Sshh, I don't need to know. Only you do." Y/n with last of her/his/other strength left put her/his/other finger put against Venti's lip quieting shhing him.

Before Venti got to tell y/n what he wanted to she/he/other was already gone... But y/n died happily with the short time Venti spent with her/him/other Venti could tell that she/he/other wanted to die. Venti was sad about his new friends death but he also want to happy for her/him/other. Y/n got what She/he/other always wanted.

Venti's tears were frozen on his face from the cold of Dragonspine. It was poetic in a way.  The seemingly cold cyro polearm who just had a hard life died up on Dragonspine.

On the wind. Somewhere in the world a song can be heard from the wind.

'Somewhere along the way
They met a boy in green
The boy called himself a god
But they quickly laugh it off
The boy made a promise
To follow they where ever them went
Till they believe the boy in green
The traveller and the boy become friends in no time
But one day
The traveller told the boy in green something
The boy wanted to say something back
But they were gone before he could.
The boy in green didn't kown if they found what they were looking for
But the boy hope they did.'

The end unless something is missing somewhere....

The Curse Of A God And The Curse Of Immortality (Venti X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now