How bad can it be?

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Fred Weasley froze in his seat, the Gryffindor table had never seen the twins so still, so straight faced. He looked over Ron's shoulder and stared through the gap in the tables towards the Slytherins. Once you had a seat in the Great Hall, you stuck to it and Fred had sat in this seat for most of his time at school so he knew where Aurora Malfoy would be sitting, right cross from him and slightly to the left. 

They locked eyes within a few moments and stared at each other. Their encounter on the train earlier that day was probably the most civil they had ever been with one another, before that, they had been almost sworn mortal enemies. 

Fred was an idiot in Aurora's eyes, stupid and irritating. 

Aurora was a stuck up bitch to Fred, nasty and rude. 

And now they were expected to work together, for an entire year. 

After all of the names had been read out, to much jubilation from some, and complete despair  from others...Dumbledore spoke again. 

"Most weeks you will be set a different challenge. Some will last the week, others will take slightly longer, so meeting up with your partner will be key. Now as this doesn't add to you grades, apart from 5th years who will received some extra marks added to their OWLs, there will be a prizes to be won."

At this, ears across the hall pricked up. 

Aurora couldn't believe her luck. She had been saving up for the past 2 years, even before the events of the summer, she was saving money incase of an emergency, this could be the tipping point to help her to move away. 

Fred and George looked at each other. Even after Harry's kind investment last year, their business venture could also have a bit of extra income...

"This could be it Freddy." His brother whispered. 

"Speak for yourself....I have to work with....that..." He looked over at the Malfoy girl with distain, and she was looking at him in the same way. 

Fred Weasley was not known at school of being clever, smart yes, and Aurora, though she would never admit it out loud, was almost impressed but his intuition and cunning...sometimes... She has no chance of winning with him as a partner. He was stupid and she hated him, it couldn't possibly work. 

Aurora sighed in defeat and turned her head to her plate of mashed up food.

"Your first task will be delivered to you tomorrow morning and I have, for the first one, designated a meeting point and time for your pair to the ball rolling. Any missing of meetings without good reason will mean a deduction of house points." 

The hall groaned....

"Now off to bed, we have a big year ahead." 

The room was a buzz of nerves and anticipation. Aurora Malfoy was full to the brim with dread. She wanted a quiet year, she wanted to fade into the background or better yet disappear completely. Now she was paired with a boy whose family she had terrorised for years, this was not going to be easy. Maybe she could ask to switch? Maybe she could ask to do nothing at all?

She stood from the table and reach her hand to the side. Draco was already there, his hand to help her up. She inwardly cringed...she had done that on autopilot, she pulled her hand away from Draco's and stood away from the table. 

"Lets go Blaise I want to get back to the common room before Weasley has a chance to say anything." 

She tugged on her friends hand and pulled him away quickly. 

"What is up with you? You have to tell me now, I noticed over summer I didn't say anything and then on the train and now here?" Blaise stopped and looked at her intently.

REDEMPTION: Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now