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A normal scalpel tried to cut rimuru abdomen but failed but there was no response from the body but as soon as the a weapon containing magicule came near to cut through the abdomen

Rimuru POV

I was sleeping quietly I felt something containing huge amount of magicule coming near me even though normal weapon under genesis class can't even scratch my skin because I am sleeping and all my resistance have been turned off because of that my instinct took over and my consciousness pulled back to my body . First thing I saw when I awakened was a creepy old man holding a scalpel and trying to cut me . I did what I normally did to people who wanted to harm me i stretch my hand and grab his throat and said

" I don't know who you are but why are you trying to harm me and where am I "

Everyone was shocked seeing me awake and the old man who I was holding by the neck was shivering from fear and replied

" You are in an secret facility of the northern sea empire . We discovered you in an ancient ruins so we just wanted to do some research on you we don't mean any harm so please let me go "

Hearing this I loosened my grip because when I was the king of TEMPEST I also ordered dissection and studing of ancient organisms which was found from different place so it made sense to also be on the opposite side so I decided to introduce myself

" I don't know who you are but let me introduce myself my name is Rimuru Tempest "

Saying this I manifested my iconic demon lord outfit but to my surprise everyone was looking at me like saying ' what the heck is he doing . Did his head hit or something while sleeping ' . When I said my name I expected everyone to bow down and pay respect as I was one of the Demon Lord but every one I was shocked seeing their reactions and said

" I am one of the member of octagram the great demon lord Rimuru Tempest the chaos creator "

I introduce this way because with the exception that some of them may remember me but there was only awkward silence between them and me and a suffocating old man in my hand who was struggling to free him self . To break the silence a woman came from the and said

" Even though there is octagram of Demon lords but there is only seven members and the name octagram is just for a cool name even if there was one his or her name is not even mention in the ancient history books "

Hearing this I was dumbfounded I was the face of the octagram and I was forgotten that doesn't make sense . Before I got a chance to ask a question the secured metalic door broken opened and several armed man came inside .
( Like this )

I seeing the sudden progression rimuru was dumbfounded he said
" What the heck happening here "

Everyone in the base was kneeling on the ground and one of the man pointed his gun towards me and Said

" Drop that person on the ground "

I forgot about the old man who I was holding by the throat he was unconscious because of suffocating so I dropped him and immediately called ciel and asked

" Ciel what is happening here and also why do I feel stronger "

Ciel responded in a sleepy manner and said

<<Master I'd stronger because when master went to sleep I was alone and bored so I wanted to make sure master was safe so evolved master into a true dragon and enhance master reflex , defence , ect as for the men here with arm are solider of platinum sword kingdom of Leon and those scientists are from a rebelling vessel country of Northern sea empire and this is their secret base >>

Then I asked Ciel

" Then why am I forgotten by everyone "

To which Ciel replied

<<You are not forgotten simply your identity have been just hidden Just giving some hints of your existence >>

" Why the heck whould they do that "

<< You should ask them your self and I am going to rest >>

Ciel Said in angry manner and end the talk . I sighed and mumbled under his breath ' i should apologise for her leaving her alone for long ' . in that case i should surrender and go with them and try to meet Leon and find the answer to the question

IN A NEW ERADove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora