(3) "See you tomorrow" (3)

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You can listen to this song while reading this story, it's really great <3



Monaco, what a perfect place for holidays. I've decided to take me and all of my five friends for vacation just to spend some time together and occasionally go to see our favorite football club in action. All of us are huge fans of AS Monaco. We've been on some of their games and we really loved Monte Carlo itself so I was happy to go there again.

After arriving in our hotel, we decided to go to our rooms and unpack. One of my best friends suggested to go on a beach since it was very close to the hotel we were staying in.

It was summer and around 32°C, so going on a beach was just a reward - especially after the flight we had. There was a child who didn't want to stop crying and it was horrible.
We put on our swimsuits and took all of the necessary things with us. I was so happy, because I haven't been on a beach in a long time. When all of us laid down on the towels we brought with ourselves, we immediately felt relaxed. As the weather seemed to get hotter I got up from my place and went towards the ocean.
- "Be careful, Y/N" said Y/B/F/N.
- "Of course, just like I always am" I responded with a smile.

After shouting those words, I walked into the water which was definitely colder than I thought it would be. I swam for around 15 minutes, then decided to come back to my place.
- "Oh, so you didn't drown. What a shame-"
- "Y/F/N!" my best friend cut off our other friend.
- "Chill, I was just joking." they said with a chuckle while adjusting their sunglasses. "So, whatcha gonna say about ordering some drinks, this heat is killing me."
- "Ok, I'll go order some, just tell me what you want".

After 10 minutes of arguing my friends finally decided on what they want to order. I put on my white material shorts and my AS Monaco jersey and went to the bar.
That's when I noticed him - sitting on the chair by the bar, his hair wet and his fit, muscular body shining in the sun. As I went closer I immediately recognized the guy.
- "Oh my god" I said under my breath. It was him - the one and only - Charles Leclerc. Well known, Monegasque Formula One driver, also known as my secret celebrity crush.
I was getting more and more stressed when I was slowly walking up to my destination.

When I arrived at the bar I didn't even dare to try to look in his way, because I know if he somehow tried to start talking to me or even look at me I would definitely pass out.
- "Why would he even talk to me? I'm just a random girl who's on vacation with her friends. What if I embarrass myself in front of him? Maybe I should ask for a picture? Or tell him that he's my favorite driver ever? Or maybe I should just pretend that I don't know who he is? Oh fuck it-"
- "Hello, what can I get for you?" said the employee getting me out of my thoughts.
- "Uhh, hi-" I choked out "I would like to order two strawberry milkshakes, one banana shake, two cherry pepsi's and one iced coffe with caramel." I said with a bright smile. I just wanted to get the drinks and return to my friends as soon as possible.
- "Ok, this might take a while, so please wait" the lady at the bar said nicely.
- "Sure, take your time!" I responded. "Shit" I said silently.

That's when I sat down only two chairs away from the Monegasque gentleman who was going through his phone patiently waiting for his order.
That's when I decided to do the same. I took out my phone from the back pocket of my shorts and went on Twitter.
Suddenly the woman came back and gave Charles his drink.
- " Voici votre boisson, bonne journée!"
("Here is your drink, have a nice day!") she said.
- "Merci beaucoup" ("Thank you very much") he responded.

When he was about to walk away, he noticed me sitting about three meters away from his chair. He looked at me for a few seconds and finally said:
- "That's a nice shirt you got there, are you a fan?" he said.
-"Uh, sorry?" I was to stunned to get anything else out of my mouth.
-"I said you have a nice shirt" he repeated slowly. -"I'm Charles"

He put down his Mojito and looked at me with a huge smile holding his hand and waiting for me to shake it.
I only managed to say a stupid "Hi" and nervously smile. After I noticed his hand still waiting to be shaken by me I immediately grabbed it and laughed. And he laughed with me. Or at me...

- "Hey, it's okay. I know that's it's difficult when random people start to come up to you saying things and wanting to talk to you or something. Trust me, I was there" he said with a grin.
- "But you're not random" I thought.
I responded with a giggle and relaxed as I heard his calming voice with his French accent being very strong.
- "Yeah sorry, you're right. I'm Y/N" I answered.
That's when we locked our eyes and stared at each other for God knows how long.
- "So, what brings you to Monaco?" he asked breaking the eye contact with genuine curiosity soon after sipping his drink.
- "I'm here with my friends, we wanted to spend some time together and relax".
- "Well, are you relaxed?"
- "I can say that" I smiled a little.
Our little conversation got interrupted by the woman who had already prepared my drinks.
- "Here are your drinks, the total will be 75€"

I paid the price and took the plate with all of the drinks in my hands. I turned to the man who was standing right next to me.
- "It was nice seeing you, Charles. Now excuse me, I need to go back to my lovely friends" I said with a smile and turned my back to him and started walking up to my besties.

- "Hey, wait up!" he slightly shouted and soon after followed me.
- "Yeah, what's up?" I asked confused.
- "I still don't know why are you wearing this shirt. Are you a fan or is it just borrowed?" After he asked that he gave me his signature smile and moved a little closer to me.
I felt my legs getting weak at his actions and I felt like I was gonna pass out, but I managed to think straight and answer him.
- "Oh, yeah I support them since I was like 15. Well, actually my friends got me into football in highschool so uhh- yeah that's because of them" I said nervously.
- "So I guess you're going on tomorrow's game?" asked Charles.
Oh wow, is he gonna ask me to go with him? Uhh- of course no, what am I even thinking about.
- "Yes, I am, with my friends" I responded.
After saying those words, there was just complete silence. But it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. He seemed to be thinking about something. Then he looked me in my eyes and we held the eye contact again, but that's when I decided to break it.
- "Well, it's time for me to go" I smiled. "Bye, Charles. It was nice seeing you"

When I started walking away from him he said something that made my heart skip a beat.
- "Maybe we could meet there? You know uhh- at the game... and enjoy it together if you want?
I immediately turned my face to him and tried to find out if he's joking or if he's serious. He was serious... like dead serious.
- "Yes, totally. Of course, great, amazing" I stuttered with a huge smile on my face.
- "So maybe you'll give me your number now and I will send you more details later" he said with more confidence this time giving me his phone.
- "Sure" I typed my number into his phone then handed it back to him.
- "Well then, see you tomorrow Y/N" he smirked.
- "See you tomorrow, Charles" I said flirtatiously at what he cutely laughed. Damn, I love his laugh.
He bowed and turned around walking back to his place making me laugh again.

When I came back to my friends, I wasn't greeted very nicely.
- "Fucking hell Y/N, what took you so long, I'm soooo thirsty" said Y/F/N.
- "Yeah, you we're gone for like 30 minutes" said my best friend softly.
- "Uh... the coffee machine was broken and they had to repair it, sorry it took so long"
My two other friends looked at me with a smirk. I looked at them with visible confusion on my face.
- "It's okay, don't worry. It's not your fault they had to repair the coffee machine" said my friend with an emphasis on the word "repair" and returning to reading their book.
After that I realized what the three of them meant I just shook my head in disappointment and sat down with my drink in my hand.
- "He's cute, you should stick up to him" My best friend whispered to me and smirked.
- "Oh piss off" I said visibly annoyed.
After drinking my iced coffee I laid down and put on my headphones, drifting of to my own world thinking about my tomorrow's meeting with Charles.
A/N So, what do you think about it? Did you like it? Reminder: this is my first imagine I've ever written :D

Formula 1&2 Imagines/One Shots/Preferences  #1 [REQUESTS OPEN]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang