Chapter 2

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 Hello lovelies! Attached is a picture of Dylan O'Brien aka Logan Duntz!


            “We are now boarding flight TC5149 bound for Houston, Texas. First class and handicap may board first,” I heard a lady say over the intercom. Double-checking my ticket before I get up, I confirm this is my flight. While I may not be comfortable flying in the family’s private jet, I do spring for first class seats. I learned my lesson the last time I rode coach and was sat next to a lady who recognized me as Michael Cafran and ogled over me the whole time. Knowing you have money makes women lose all sense of respect for themselves, it’s disgusting.

            I handed my ticket to the attendant manning the entrance to the plane. She scanned it and visually checked it before smiling and politely saying “Have a nice flight, sir.”

            “Thanks,” I reply back with a smile and she blushes. I know she saw my name on the ticket, she must recognize it. She must be seeing dollar signs when she looks at me. I scoff to myself as I board. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly women will bat their eyes and flirt with me. I know it’s not about my looks, my hair is an unruly, curly mess and I don’t bother keeping up with shaving, leaving my face stubbly almost all the time. I’m not particularly muscular and my shoulders are not broad at all. My only attractive quality are my eyes, a deep hazel I got from my mom, but even then most girls only notice boys' eyes when they’re a captivating blue. I know what kind of guys women swoon over, I do not look like them.

            When I get to my seat I place my carry-on bag in the top storage, making sure to remove my laptop. I need to finish some of the paperwork from the deal I just closed. With the investors we are finally going to build a hotel in Japan, a huge feat for an American hotel company.

            I choose the seat by the window. Though the idea of flying and watching everything outside no longer spikes my interest anymore, it is much more convenient to focus when I am not bothered by the commotion of the aisle. When I see a woman sit down next to me I quickly give her a small smile and put my headphones in so she gets the message I’m not in the mood to talk. Thankfully it works and once we’re in the air and I can turn on my computer, I get straight to work and finish minutes before I land in Houston, Texas.


            “Michael!” I hear once I get off the plane. I search the crowded area for the voice and finally see who made it.

            “Logan! Long time, no see,” I say as I approach him. Logan Duntz was my best friend in college. We immediately hit it off when we met at freshman orientation. We were both out-of-staters attending the University of Chicago. We were roommates for the weekend and stayed in touch until school started. Neither of us knew anybody else coming to U of C, so we decided to sign up for our classes together. It helped that we both came for business degrees, him Accounting and me Business Management and Administration. We were able to sign up together for the first 2 years for our basics, but after that we had to go off on our own. By then we were such good friends it didn’t matter. Once we could live off campus we got an apartment together and were roommates.

            When Logan learned I was a billionaire, he was shocked. I lived my life so normal at U of C, never wanting any advantages or special treatment, he didn’t even believe me for a week. Even after he believed me, it didn't change the way he acted around me. It was nice being normal. After college when I took over as co-CEO of our company with my dad, so many magazines and newspapers started writing articles about me it was a rarity when someone in New York, or virtually anywhere, didn’t recognize me.

Incognito BillionaireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon