Diluc x fem-reader

897 18 8

I don't think I spelled keayas name right oh well

Today was your birthday and you wanted to have the best of your life.
You woke up to a empty spot on the bed. Of course keaya wouldn't be here. He was always doing something.
You and keaya had been dating for a while now.
He'd bring you things and you'd sometimes have fun in bed. You took it very seriously but for him...just a side show for him to watch at times.
Obviously you didn't know this and thought he was head over hells for you but anyways that wouldn't matter because today is YOUR day.

You got up and found some clothes. Took a shower, brushed your teeth/hair
And got ready for the world. You walked outside heading for angles share. That's usually where keaya is.

You passed by all your friends but no one has said anything. Not a hi, hey, hello, and most importantly..not even a happy birthday.
"Amber hey!"
You saw amber and ran towards her. She was probably helping someone out but she ignored you.
You saw noelle and she just brushed you off.

"Where could keaya be..."
You said to yourself. Time has been going by very slow. Way too slow at that. Why hasn't anyone said anything to you. Did u not exist anymore!
That couldn't be you are a person at that.

You had your hands on you face sitting down with you elbows on you knees. You ordered just water and some fries at good hunter just thinking about anything really.
How bright the sun was...
"Guess Who~"
Someone had walked behind You and covered your eyes.

"Hmm let me see~...maybe a tall man with beautiful dark blue hair. A eye patch. He has a very nice ass. Maybe it's keaya?"
You respond. The person laughed and took their hands from your face.
"You got me love, happy birthday"
Kaeya said to you smiling.
He look his hand and placed it on your face. Thus you leaned into his touch.
"Thank you...oh kaeya why are you the only one who has said happy birthday to me"
keaya took his hand away and you  2 were just talking for hours.

At the dawn winery...
"Oh what am I going to do...what if it's too late to say something. Or what if I stutter"
"No all I have to do is smile give her this rose and say happy birthday y/n!"
"...no my smiles are ugly. and what if she thinks I'm flirting with her because of the rose"
This mans thoughts were going crazy. Dilucs that is.
He was your best friend but he wanted to be more. However his "brother" was in the way.
Tho diluc didn't really mind as long as he could talk and see you, that's all he wants. Besides being together...
"Master Diluc are you alright in there?"

One of the maids said. Diluc responded with a simple yes and headed to Mondstadt to see you. At this point it didn't matter. He was also going to ask you out. Rather you was dating keaya or not.
He wanted to be with you so bad he'd do anything.
If you reject him, oh well...
It was now or never.

Back in Mondstadt.
keaya had left you for something. He didn't really say.
You were walking down the streets of Mondstadt.
Not thinking of anything really. just humming a song.
But what you had saw next was something you'd never thought you'd see.
It was keaya with another woman.
She had beautiful long straight hair, while yours was curly and not as long.
Her blowed in the wind and yours as stiff as a broad.
Tears formed...
The world had stopped, no sound was to be heard.
No sign of life but those two.
Keaya...and the other woman.
He had saw you standing there. He pushed the girl and rushed over to you.
"Y-y/n it isn't what it looks like!"

"take your shit from my house and go."
You said to him. A cheater is a cheater and it's nothing you can do about that.
You walked away still crying.

But you didn't know a red head was watching you.
(Not Childe 💀💀)
Diluc had followed you all the way to angles share.
He was going to take you here anyways so he had everyone leave the place.

You opened the door and saw no one.
Suddenly the back door opened and diluc walked in.
"Y/n... we're closed but please come in."
He said to you and you agreed.
"Diluc...please hand me that bottle of wine."
He gave you the wine and you ranted to him all night.
You had got drunk and was a mess by now.
Tears still in your eyes as you are very angry about what just happened.
No one really said happy birthday to you and to top that your boyfriend just cheated on you.
"Y/n I know it's kinda late to say this but...happy birthday"
Diluc said to you with a smile. It was the first time you have seen him smile. You tears went away and you laughed.

"Y/n your drunk"
Diluc went to get you some water but you stopped him.
"WhO sAid you can talk to me like that, pretty boy~"

"You know mAstEr diluc, ever since keaya cheated on me all I could think about was you~"
You got up and whispered in dilucs ear.
Diluc blushed at your words and backed away from you. He covered his face with his hand trying to hide his face.
You said to him. The rest of the night you and diluc had the best time. He ended up taking you back to him home.
(No y'all didn't fuck...yet)

It was now morning. Diluc was already up before you, just sitting on the end of the bed as you sleep.
He was still thinking about your words. Did you really love him. Or was that you just being drunk...

You got up and put your hand in his shoulder.
"I do actually love you diluc."
You said to him softly. The sun peaked in the windows showing your face, lighting up like stars.

"And I love you too y/n"

Venti x reader + one shots Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora