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Love's POV
"Shit!" I hissed loudly at my mini curling iron. I was currently late for my first day back at the firm since my two month vacation was unfortunately up. In case you're wondering, I'm Love. Cheesy, right? I always hated my name since it was the name of a hurtful emotion. An emotion I never want to experience. Not after Eric. Eric was my moon, star and sun. He was everything to me and I loved him too much to see the real asshole he was, but more about that later. Love Taylor. I'm twenty-four, a successful lawyer in a prominent law firm situated right in the heart of Miami, Florida. I'm blessed with long, naturally curly hair, a light caramel complexion and a nice, well proportioned body. Love isn't really an option for me anymore since I basically blocked my mind from it after my ex- boyfriend Eric cheated on me. When Mia, my best friend told me she had seen him with a girl we used to talk to back in law college I had all intentions to cut her off. Eric loved me. At least, that's what I thought of course. Mia and I got into huge argument and that led me to finding out the truth. That Tuesday morning when I saw Eric with her was still fresh in my mind. It all seemed like yesterday.
April 5, 2014~~
"Yeah I'm about to go in so I'll talk to you later hun," I quickly cut my ignition and began walking towards Eric's house. Of course he's not cheating, Mia's just being a bitch. Why would he cheat on me? I knocked on the white hard wood door since he didn't have a doorbell. "I'm comin babe hold on," I could hear his deep baritone voice booming throughout his house. Who is he talking to? "Hey what's u-" He stared at me with the most guilt and fright in his deep caramel eyes. I looked him up ad down. He looked sexy. He had a mini white towel wrapped around his waist, covering his lower half but his upper body was on full display. I smiled at him expecting him to greet me with a kiss but my smile faded as I spotted a tall bombshell blonde walking towards the door. She was around 5"9 d she had blue mesmerizing eyes. "Babe what's going on?" She asked looking me up and down. "Um, Jessica just give me a minute ok baby?" Baby?! "Hi Love what are you doing here?" I put a confused expression on my face " I'm here to see you but its seems as if you're busy," I raised my eyebrow and stared him in the eyes. After about a minute of awkward silence he sighed and ran his long, dark fingers through his wavy hair," Love I-" I shook my head disappointedly," When were you gonna tell me Eric? When were you gonna tell me you piece of shit?! I didn't even wait to hear what he had to say I just ran to my car depressed and hurt.
Ever since that day I made a vow that I would never love. Mia didn't stop rambling on and on about how I couldn't let Eric determine my future and even though she was right I still couldn't let myself love anyone else. I had even started to date other men but in my mind none of them were Eric. I shook my head as I struggled to stop reminiscing about my deplorable past. I finished straightening my hair and began putting my black pencil skirt on. After I had gotten fully dressed, I applied some blood red Maybelline lipstick, a little mascara and eyeliner. I put my black stilettos on and stood infront of my full body mirror analysing my outfit. Mia always said I wasn't a girl for fashion but I looked pretty good. I chuckled at the thought of my best friend and decided to text her. I picked up my iPhone 6, my nude Michael Kors handbag and left for work. As I came to a stoplight, I took my phone out and sent Mia a text.
Me: Hey bbyg
Mia: Nm hun heading to work. You?
Me: Same here. Wanna meet up for lunch later?
Mia: Im starving already. Later babe
Me: Girl shut yo greedy ass. Laters love you!
I locked my phone screen and made my way to work safely. As I entered the building, my boss greeted me warmly. "Hello Ms Taylor. Good to have you back. Hope your vacation was good," I smiled and nodded," Yes its good to be back. It was good. Have a good day Mrs. Barnes!" I locked myself in my office and immediately kicked my heels off. Damn these things were killing my feet! I slid into my black leather office chair and took my crème jacket off. I booted my desktop and called my assistant Vanessa to get me some coffee. An hour later I was preparing myself and some questions for my early session in court. The case was complicated as hell and I was not up for it but a sister gotta make a dolla right? I made my way to my usual table and set my briefcase down. I looked to the side of the defense and my eyes were met with glory. He was around 6"5, had a light complexion and from what I could see while he spoke to his client, he had perfect, thick pouty lips. I snapped myself from my daydream and began gathering my questions. "All arise for Judge Mitchell!", the bailiff announced. Everyone stood awaiting the judge. Finally he came out of his chambers and sat in his majestical chair. "Bailiff, call the case please," his deep, loud voice commanded almost sending chills down my back. Two hours later I was gathering my stuff, getting ready to leave when a deep sexy baritone voice spoke, sending unexpected chills down my back," Good case huh?" I turned my head to the source of the voice and woe and behold! It was that same defense lawyer. "Uh yeah," I knew I sounded nervous but he just smiled and I literally melted. Perfectly aligned teeth and luscious thick lips greeted me making my mouth water. " Yeah. I'm Michael. Michael Evans," he held his hand out and I nervously shook it," Love. Love Taylor," he chuckled slightly and said," Woow. Strange and beautiful huh? Well I gotta run but maybe we could keep in touch?" In touch huh? "Yeah sure,". We exchanged numbers and I was now on my way to Olive Garden to meet Mia for lunch. "Omg! You bitxh!" Mia exclaimed as I sat in front of her at a table near the window. "What" I shrugged casually." You're glowing and I know its not a promotion.... Tell me," she looked at me expectantly and I chuckled lightly then said," Its really nothing.. But I met this sexy lawyer today in court. He works for the defence though," I sighed and stared back at her. "Well? What happened? Did you talk a lot? Exchange numbers? Dets hunny," she tapped her freshly manicured nails on the white cotton table cloth and glared at me waiting for me to speak." Ok slow your roll lil Missy. We didn't talk a lot or for long but yes we did exchange numbers," I immediately began to blush and I heard Mia let out a low whistle and I looked up at her, "What?," I raised an eyebrow. "Nothing. Let's order. I'm hungry as hell!" We both fell out laughing as a waitress made her was to our table. She had a nasty ass expression on her face even though she was cute, "Good day. What would you like?" She flipped her pen and notebook out then stood there slightly tapping her foot. I ignored her attitude and glanced down at my menu," Um I'd like the pot roast, diced sweet potatoes, mashed potato salad with side of green beans, please," I looked up to see her writing away on her notepad. "You ma'am?" She looked over at Mia." I'll have the same but I'd also like some sweet corn, thanks," Mia smiled up at her as she went to get our food. Twenty minutes later, we were finally finishing up our food and I was about to head back to work. "Mi imma head back to the office now so laters hun," I got up, kissed her cheek and drove my way back to my office.
Four hours later~~
I stepped out of my walk-in shower and walked onto my comfy white Persian mat. I blow dried my hair and applied some' Curly World' conditioner. I dried myself thoroughly and dragged on a pair of comfortable PJ shorts, a muscle tee and fuzzy socks. I got some ice cream from the refrigerator and relaxed in my huge king sized bed. My iPhone blurted out my favourite ringtone, Beyonce's Flawless, I swiped the green bar across the screen and put the phone to my ear while I continued to eat my ice cream. "Hello?" I forgot to even glance at the caller I.d" Hello beautiful," Holy mother of - " H-hi,". Just the sound of this man's voice made me wet. Shit! "Was sup? You aight?" His deep, sexy voice blared through my phone's speaker and my kitty was already purring. "I'm good..... What's up with you?" I asked sheepishly. Wow, Love. Great convo. "I'm just here and I was thinking.... Could we meet up or something? We didn't exactly have a proper conversation earlier today," I could hear him breathing heavily while he awaited my response. "Uh yeah just gimme a few minutes. Where though?" I had already began searching my wardrobe for a suitable outfit. "Is the park ok with you?" He sounded so sexy over the phone. "Yeah. I'll be there soon. Bye," "Bye," I hung up and quickly got dressed. I pulled on a pair of black shorts, because the atmosphere was fairly warm, a short sleeved top and my black converse. I applied some lip gloss and let my hair stay out. Fifteen minutes later, I was parking near the city park. I instantly spotted Michael as soon as I started to walk towards the entrance. He was dressed in a long sleeved sweatshirt, black jeans and blue and white j's . I smiled at him and he returned the gesture. Damn he looked good. No scratch that he looked gorgeous. "Ready to sweat?" He asked, grinning like an old school boy. "Huh?" I scrunched my face up in confusion. "C'mon," he summoned me and I smiled. This was gonna be a long night.

Hey guys! My first time publishing a book so leave all your comments and don't be afraid or shy to judge the book. All good and bad comments are welcome. Thank you. I'll be updating at least three times a week so look out for any new chapters. Love you!
Mwuah!- Keida

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