Chapter 34 - Vision

Start from the beginning

Who now had a lovely blacked scar marking part of his face from Thor's lightning, Nyneve noted, hanging out a short distance from Thor and Loki.

"I ask only one thing in return..." Loki lowered his dagger. "A good seat from which to watch Asgard burn."

Malekith considered, assessing Loki, then walked over to where Thor still lay on the ground, cradling his "severed" hand to his chest. Jane breathed shakily as he walked by, moving away slightly. Loki shifted to keep Jane between Malekith and himself. Nyneve kept an eye on his creature.

"The Kursed." The words sifted through her mind, connecting with what the Dark Elf had turned into. Nyneve found the term very fitting.

"Kursed" indeed.

"Look at me," Malekith ordered, shoving Thor onto his back with his boot when he didn't immediately comply. Keeping his gaze on Thor, he reached out a hand, slowly lifting Jane into the air. His attention finally shifted to her as he drew the Aether out, the red and black fluid-like material flowing through the air. It gathered together before beginning to transfer to Malekith. Once it had completely left Jane, she dropped to the ground in a heap.

"Loki! Now!" Thor shouted.

Loki threw out a hand, a green flash appearing as he banished the illusion he'd cast, Thor calling Mjolnir to him. Lightning crackled around the weapon as it reached Thor. Rushing forward, Loki dived to cover Jane.

Thor cast the lightning bolt at the heart of the Aether in an attempt to destroy it. It rose in the air, coalescing together and releasing unearthly shrieks.

Almost as if it lives... Nyneve thought, keeping herself at the ready in case she needed to intervene. However, her worry only grew as she watched. It's not working. Maybe if I... She grasped Caliburn's hilt, the moonstone glowing as white flickered through her irises. But then she hesitated.

That second of indecision cost her what chance she had.

An explosion nearly knocked her off her feet as the Aether and Thor's power collided. Dirt rolled off her leather jacket as she regained her equilibrium, ears ringing faintly. Thor got up, appearing to think that he'd succeeded.

Nyneve knew he hadn't.

The Aether rose from the ground in gleaming crystal fragments, pulling together in multiple streams toward Malekith. It once again coalesced before him. He opened his arms to it, welcoming the Aether inside his body. He screamed as it entered him, then his head hung limp. When it lifted, his eyes reflected the swirling red and black of the Aether.


Having obtained what he wanted, Malekith turned without a word and headed back to his ship, the Kursed following. His soldiers, on the other hand, moved toward Thor, raising their weapons. Nyneve trusted Thor to handle the soldiers. Her attention was on the beeping device Kurse activated and threw in their direction.

It was headed straight for Loki and Jane.

A snap of her fingers and she was next to them, her invisibility dispelled. She threw up a shield just as the device detonated.

It doesn't explode. It implodes, Nyneve realized with astonishment as she felt its pull on her shield. It was as if the grenade wanted to suck in the section of her shield closest to it. The device's appearance reminded her of a black hole. Oddly fitting, considering how it wanted to draw everything within a certain radius into itself. Cracks started to spread across the glass-like surface of her shield, forcing Nyneve to call on Caliburn's power to sustain it.

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