"W-where did you... h-how... dude...and you left it in the pit!?"

I was a bit annoyed that he wasn't congratulating me on surviving an encounter with a wild feral beast that could have killed me, but I'd let it slide. For now.

"Leo, thank you so much for your concerns for my wellbeing, but I'm actually planning to go looking and see if it managed to get out of the pit in a few hours, you want to come with?" Leo was looking at me like I'd grown a second head while Mitch just sat there watching us with a smirk.

"I-I can't today I already have plans this evening....and I don't think you'll need to check up on the wolf.... I'm sure he managed to get out safely.... probably."

He was fidgeting in his seat, and I noticed that sweat was starting to run down his brow. He kept his head hung with his eyed trained to his lap. He kept opening his mouth like he wanted to say something, but he just sat there silently. There was something he wasn't telling me; he'd never been good at keeping secrets from me.

"Leo....are you ok? Your suddenly sweating buckets and you can't seem to keep still....is there anything you need to tell me?"

"N-No... nothing's wrong, I'm just a little hot.... you know...plus, I don't think you should go looking for that wolf. What if he attacks you or something? You shouldn't go back." He stopped as he looked behind me. I turned to see his mother's car pulling up as she waved at us.

"Looks like my moms here early. I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow then. Don't forget to bring your lab book tomorrow Jacky, see you later Mitch!!" Grabbing his backpack, he flung it over his shoulder and started trotting over to his mom's car. I waved at his mom as he got into the car and waved a final time as they sped out of the car park.

"Well, I guess it's just us then. So Mitch, you want to come with?" As I turned my attention back to Mitch, out of the corner of my eye I catch sight of Damien walking towards the car park, and for some reason, I kept watching him. I wasn't sure why, but it was like my eyes where just drawn to him for some reason. As I watched him, I realized that this I had been the first time in a long while that I'd really taken a good look at him. Most of the time I'd avoid him or ignore him all together, yet after all the weird things happening today with him, I couldn't ignore him

He was staring out into the distance as if he'd forgotten something and was trying his best to remember. There was something about him that for whatever reason made me inclined to keep my eyes on him as he stood there.

I'll admit he was pretty easy on the eyes. Even if I didn't like him personally, I also wasn't blind. The varsity jacket he was wearing over his T-shirt didn't do much to hide his figure. As I watched him, I noticed how muscular he had become. It made me wonder why I was even able to push him away earlier.

He turned around and started walking away, the view from the back causing my mouth to water just as much as the front had done, until he rounded the corner and disappeared from sight breaking whatever spell I had fallen under. I shook my head confused as to why I felt sad that I couldn't see him anymore. I hated the guy, even hate might not be a strong enough word to describe my intense bone-deep hatred of him. So the fact that I was letting my imagination run wild with all those ranching thoughts of him was confusing in and of itself. I was pulled out of my confusion when I heard a cough from my right. Mitch was looking at me with his eyebrow raised, and a smirk plastered across his face.

"I thought your eyes would have popped out of your head and followed him around the corner."

I lowered my head, as I felt the blood flush to my cheeks "I d-don't know w-what you mean..."

"You were practically drooling all over yourself. I'm surprised you didn't just run up and strip him, you were already doing it with your eyes afterall." He howled with laughter this time not even bothering to hold back.

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