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Ashi - I don't want to leave you.

NA - I know, sweetie. But you need to step out of your comfort zone.

Ashi - But Mom, You're so ill....what if.....!

NA - Don't worry about me. I'm not going anywhere.

Ashi - Yes. Be with me always.

NA - I'm. This is your time to shine.

Ashi - Thanks Mom for everything. I'm going to miss you so much :(

NA - Wait, Listen.

Ashi - Yes Mom.

NA - Just heed this advice from me, Ashi.

Ashi - What ?

NA - Not all the people that you meet will be trustworthy. If you're going to survive there, you'll need to be vigilant.

Ashi - Okay Mom.

NA - Just keep an eye out. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

Ashi - What ENEMIES ?

NA - Yes sweetheart. You're there for competing for Prince's hand. There will be more enemies than friends.

Ashi - Okay Mom. I'll keep everything in mind.

NA - Good! Will miss u.

Ashi - You too and Thanks again. Bye Mom.

NA - Bye my baby !

Writer's POV :-

Ashi arrives at the castle, she was unable to take her eyes off it because of its beauty.
She tries to keep her eyes in her head as she stepped into the Entrance Hall.
Suddenly she trips and falls right into the woman in front of her.

Nishi (N) - She is very bad and rude. Wants to marry Prince. All the ladies of the court follows what she says. Lady of Stonefield.

Yes, she is none other than Nishi, who bumped into Ashi

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Yes, she is none other than Nishi, who bumped into Ashi.

N - Hey! Stop, where you're going ?

Ashi - Ummm..!

N - Wherever, i don't care. Can't you see ?

Ashi - I can.

N - I bet you're new here. You have zero decorum.

Ashi - Sorry, what ?

N - Don't you know, who I am ?

Ashi - No, Sorry, I don't know who you are.

N - Of course you don't. You are clearly small town trash.

Ashi - Excuse me !!

N - I'm Nishi of Stonefield. Ring any bells ?

Ashi - Err..

N - Sighh ! You simpletons are so hard to deal with...

Ashi - See, I simply don't care WHO YOU ARE.

N - You will regret.

Ashi - I will never.

Nishi turns her back on Ashi in anger and flounces confidently into the BallRoom.

Ashi - Are all the noble ladies going to be like her ? Ughh..! How will I handle all of them? Godddd...!

Ashi holded her head up high and try to look confident as she stride towards the BallRoom.
She stand alone inside the BallRoom clasping her hands together because she yet didn't know anyone there except Avneet and she was busy working. Ashi was wondering how to proceed.
As she was thinking she saw a young man standing nearby, smiling at her.
She blushed in surprise.

Siddharth (Sid) - He is very sweet, helping and handsome guy. His relation with Randeep will be revealed in the upcoming chapters.

 His relation with Randeep will be revealed in the upcoming chapters

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

So Sid was that Young Man.

Sid - Hey! My name is Siddharth.

Ashi - Hii, I'm Ashi. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Sid - May I ask where you come from ? I haven't seen you around here.

Ashi - Should I tell you the truth ?

Sid - Ahh, Yes.

Ashi - I'm not like the other ladies here. I live in the town.

Sid - Ohh...

Ashi - But my mother was part of the Highbridge clan.

Sid - That abandoned castle ?

Ashi - Yes.

Sid - That's quite a family history you have there. Well, What made you come here? If you don't mind me asking.

Ashi - Why would I mind?

Sid - Were you hoping to capture the heart of the Prince?

Ashi - Well, I haven't even met him yet. But I suppose that's what we're all here for.

Sid - Ahaa! An escape from small town life ?

Ashi - Yeah, I work a nine to five job in a cafeteria.

Sid - Okay.

Ashi - Well, do tell me more about yourself too.

Sid - Well, I'm no Prince, that's for sure.

Ashi - Does that even matter ?

Sid - Notice how none of the noble ladies aren't even interested in me. I'm too low born to even hit their radar.

Ashi - You're saying that the other women here have a one track mind ?

Sid - Precisely. But to meet the Prince is an immense honor. He tends to keep to himself. Being born a royal does have its share of flipsides. It's not all riches and glory as most people think.

Ashi - I still want to be his Queen.

Sid - You're ambitious. It's admirable. I certainly hope you get what your heart desires.


What will happen next ?

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