A Tale Of The Past

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A week went by like this, Sarah secretly being bullied by Hotshot. It was the weekend now and the recruits got time to relax and train on their own.

The femme needed some time away from the building, and Hotshot, so she invited Medix to come with her to a remote ravine, cracking through the landscape. They were still in the range of the academy commlinks, however, should the rescue alarm sound.

Hotshot had somehow roped the others into coming and following them, since he seemed convinced that the 'misleading' femme would do something to harm their friend.

They sat behind a few bushes, outside of hearing range for either party.

Medix and Sarah sat close to the ravine, dangling their legs over the edge.

The white mech observed the bot next to him. His medic's eye noticed little scars littering the femme's frame. He once again wondered how that happened.

She caught his gaze. "Not quite the pretty sight..." Sarah murmured, staring down into the ravine.

Medix titled his helm slightly. "I find that beauty has nothing to do with visible scars." He replied.

The femme chuckled. "I suppose that's true." The heli-bot thought for a while, staring down into the depths below before perking her helm up.

"Why do you hang out with me? The others don't seem to like me." She suddenly asked.

The little medic thought for a minute or two before he gave his response, "Because your situation must have a logical explanation."

Sarah nodded slowly, making sense out of that. She had discovered that Medix mainly worked by logical principles as such.

After a few minutes of silence, the yellow femme spoke up again.

"I'll tell my story if you're willing to hear it."

"I'm all ears, as the humans would say. Though I find that an illogical statement. But it makes the point clear nonetheless." Medix replied, finally locking optics with his fellow medic once more.

Sarah shifted on the hard rock and started talking.

"Well... on the first day of school, I was walking to the SpaceBridge access point to journey to Earth, like all of you did. You see, I have a brother. But he had always been jealous that I was accepted into the Academy and not him. I couldn't rely on my sire and carrier either, since he was the favorite child."

She hesitated slightly as the horrid memories returned to her processor, but went on with her story.

"But anyhow, I was walking to the SpaceBridge. Unfortunately, my brother is a vengeful spark... so he was waiting for me with his 'friends', lackies is a better word, and they surrounded me. He started spouting about I was unworthy to become a Rescue Bot and that he would go in my place. I refused to let him get away with that so he went on to.... get rid of me.

My brother and his lackies closed in on me. Beat me to ground and left me for the Scraplets. I don't think I would've sat here today if Optimus hadn't shown up to take me to the medical center. The medics there managed to save my life, heal me. I spent the last two weeks recovering enough to come to the Academy at all."

Medix had quietly listened to her rather sparkbreaking story, his bright blue optics locked with hers for another second before she pulled away.

"And that is why you left during the physical training." The little medic concluded. Sarah nodded as a response. "Yes. I had to make sure my Energon wasn't depleting too fast, so Blades somewhat forced me into my stasis pod each time."

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