Game of Tag?

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Aha sorry for not uploading this but uh here you all go.

Oh! Also I know the fact that Huggy is technically married to Kissy but here it's them being siblings.

Alright let's get started~


No one's p.o.v

Once you got your other hand you had to go through a vent to get to the other side.

After a whole process of turning everything on again the floor moves underneath your feet.

You screamed as you landed with other toy parts. You quickly crawled out as you ended up landing on the floor.

"Fuck me. ."

You got up as you groaned. You walked around until you found the sign.

"Make-a-friend. Let's see what we get."

You powered it up as you looked around to see the toy making machine following your movements with it's eyes.

You shivered as you remembered it. You looked around as you used the Grabpack to move the levers. You then realized that it was making Bee-cat.

You smiled as you looked at the plush. You looked at the door as you read the poster.

"No one leaves without a toy!"

"Aw c'mon I just got this."

You placed the toy in the container as it accepted it. The door opened as you see another dark hallway.

As you were about to enter you see a tall familiar blue furred Monster.

You scream as you started running towards the vents again. Your heart beats against your chest.

You remember your promise to Huggy and yet you broke it for not coming back after ten fucking years.

Huggy tilted his head as his smile grew wider.

Were you playing tag? He loved a game of tag! Especially if it's with his favorite person.

He chased you as you entered the vent. He went towards his shortcut as he saw you through one of the vents. Your heart beats rapidly as you pant from running.


You then felt his presence behind you.


As you ran your foot got stuck causing you to fall.

"shit. .Shit. .SHIT. .SHIT C'MON!!"

You hear his rapid footsteps as he got closer you repeatedly pull on your leg.

You then see him turn the corner towards your direction. He crawled towards you quickly as you just accepted the fact that he may kill you.

With that he stopped infront of you as his large soft paw is placed on your face.


You then feel him gently tug on your pants where your foot got stuck. You hear his purring increase as he nuzzled into your chest.

The big fluffy monster purrs loudly as you hesitantly pet his soft head. Without knowing he gently removed your foot from where it got stuck. He then wrapped his long arms around you. You see behind him to see a small tail wagging rapidly.

"Hey there Huggy."

His arms squeezed you into a hug as his purrs rumbled against your chest.

With that he crawled out of the vents carrying you with him.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗛𝘂𝗴𝘀|| Huggy Wuggy x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ