Chapter Eight

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I drag myself off the plane, putting my sunglasses on to hide the sleepiness in my eyes. Though the only reason I'm still awake is because I know I'm going to see Eddie in a few minutes.

I grabbed my small carry-on backpack and throw it on, swiping my phone out of its pocket. I tried to quickly make my way to the baggage claim area to get my luggage as fast as humanly possible.

It only took a total of five minutes to find my polka dot bags and I grabbed them before they would be swept away again. I pushed my side bangs out of my eyes and my glasses further up on my nose as I walked away from the baggage area.

My eyes searched frantically for Eddie, and I found him leaning under the Gate 21 sign, where he said he would be. He was looking down at his phone so he didn't see my until I was jumping into his arms.

"Oh, Alice, love, I missed you so much." He whispers in my ear.

I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, holding my tightly. "I missed you too."

We stayed like that for another few minutes before Eddie pulls away to press a kiss to my lips. It's been so long since I've kissed him, and I was looking forward to doing it for the next few months.

Eddie eventually put my down and grabbed my bags, against my suggestion. We got in his car and he drove off towards his house.

"Can I ask you a question?" Eddie finally speaks up. God, his British accent is enough to make me swoon.

"Yeah." I say, turning slightly to look at him.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses? It's almost midnight." Eddie chuckles, reaching over and grabbing my hand, lacing our fingers together.

"I'm exhausted and I didn't want to make it too obvious that my eyes are drooping shut." I say, a tired smile on my face.

Eddie glances over at me. "Love, you can go to sleep."

"But I just got here. And I want to see your house." I said, whining slightly.

"You'll be here for like, three months. You'll have time." Eddie says, squeezing my hand slightly.

I didn't continue the debate after that, just stared out the window and looked at the passing attractions. I'd only been to England a couple times for random things, but this was the longest I'd be staying.

We arrived at Eddie's house faster than I thought we would, and I dragged myself out of his car. Again, he insisted in carrying my bags.

"You're house is beautiful, Eddie." I say as we enter.

"Thank you." He smiles back at me, leading me down the hallway and toward his bedroom.

I jumped on his bed and curled up in the blankets, a content smile on my lips. Eddie chuckles at me, putting my luggage down and walking over to me.

He slides in beside me and wraps his arms around me, kissing my forehead. I rest my head on his chest and lull off to the constant beating of his heart.

The next day

I wake up the next day, still feeling drowsy but sitting up. I rub my eyes, glancing around tiredly. I look at the clock to see it's almost eleven. Well, I guess I missed breakfast.

I jump out of bed, just now realizing Eddie's absence. Throwing open my suitcase, I pull out a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. After changing out my clothes, I pull my hair into a bun and walk out of the bedroom.

I wander around the second level of Eddie's house for a couple minutes before making my way into the kitchen. Eddie was there, still sitting at the table and on his phone.

He turned at the sound of my footsteps. "Good morning sunshine." Eddie says with a cute smile.

"Good morning." I sit beside him, sighing.

"Are you still tired?" Eddie asks, reaching over and grabbing my hand.

"A little." I mumble. "But I'll get over it soon."

"So what's on the agenda?" Eddie asks.

"No clue." I respond. "I have to check my email for what Andrew wants me to do about performing and stuff. And if he hasn't sent me anything, I have to call him. But even if he does, you'll have to take me places. I have no clue where anything is." I said, blushing slightly.

"It would be my pleasure to be your driver for the duration of your extended vacation." Eddie says, like he's making some grand soliloquy.

I giggle slightly, crossing my legs. "Very big words. I'm impressed."

"I try." Eddie says cutely.

"Alright, I gotta check my email." I jump up and run to get my laptop. I sit back down next to Eddie and pull up my email. I did, in fact, have an email from Andrew.

To Alice,
I feel bad that I must send you to work when you just got to England, but time is limited.
I may not have told you the whole truth. I will tell you when you arrive at the Adelphi Theater today at one pm.
I look forward to working with you again.
-Andrew Lloyd Webber

"Oh god." I mumble. "When I have the knowledge that Andrew hasn't told me the truth, that's when the nerves set in."

"What did he lie about?" Eddie asks, quickly glancing over the email.

"No clue. But something tells me I'm not here for Phantom." I sigh.

"The Adelphi is only five minutes or so away from here, anyway. I guess you should get ready to go, though." Eddie says, jumping up and grabbing my hand.

"Eddie." I say sadly. "I'm sorry I can't spend time with you today."

"Dear, I knew you were coming here to work. Of course I want to spend time with my beautiful, amazing girlfriend, but we will. It doesn't have to be now." Eddie explains, leading me into his bedroom.

God, he always knows what to say and how to say it.

I See The Light (An Eddie Redmayne Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora