Skipping School.

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The Present:

Today was a hard day.

I didnt know how i felt, most of the time i ignore my feelings. But today was different, I felt different. Today would be the fourth year since my mother passed away. It was a tough subject and only a few people knew about it.

I got up out of bed and threw on a bra, did my hair and makeup. I put on a happy face and got into my car. "Just try and make the best of it," I whispered to my self lightly and drove to school.

I finally get to my locker and put everything away, thats when my friend Blake came up to me. "How you feeling..?" he asked concerned leaning on the locker next to mine, "I'm fine," I fake smiled, "Hey... i know when your fake smiling. Dont put on an act today, let your emotions out... You know ill always be here for you whenever you need to talk to someone," he told me. I sighed and looked him in the eye, i felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Dahlia..." he sighed and i rushed into his arms and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me tightly, and layed his chin on the top of my head. "Thank you for always being there for me," I told him, i could feel him smiling "Ill always be here. No matter what." I looked into his cloudy grey eyes and smiled softly, "you wanna skip?" i asked him and he nodded. I grabbed my stuff and walked out the school doors, and he follwed behind me.

It was now 3:00 and i didnt realize what time it was. I got a call from my dad and i started to panic, i answered and he started to scream at me. Blake looked at how startled i was and sighed, i jumped from his voice getting louder until he hung up. My eyes widened, "I..i got to go.." i said with a shakey voice and rushed away to my car. "Call me if you need anything!" yelled out and i nodded and got into the car. I rushed home and opened to door. I hung my keys on the wall and walked nervously into the living room.

The house reaked with alcohol. My dad stood up and stared me down. "You know you have to be home after school," he muttered. "Im sorry, i didnt realize what time it was... I was with Bla-" "You know the rules!" he cut me off hitting the table, and i jumped. "i..i" was all i could let out, my dad grabbed my arm and squeezed it. He dragged me into my room. "Your grounded just so you know." "What? No... you cant do that. Im 18, im legally an adult!" I yelled, my dads eyes widened. "Your under my roof! You do what i say!" he glared at me, "Your staying in your room, got it?" i nodded, i was obviously lying, and he knew that too. My dad raised his hand and slapped me across the face, "Dont disrespect me again." he said with a cold tone to his voice.

Nobody knows my own father hurts me. I feel like i cant tell anyone.

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