4: Wannabe Ninja

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Creeping into the house I felt kind of like a ninja. You know, like the ones that are robbing a house and then Jackie Chan comes out of no where and beats the crap out of them. I hope he's not here. Oh wait, he can't, he's way older than 18. 

Bringing my mind back to business I wait a couple seconds for my eyes to adjust to the darkness of the house. As soon as I entered I was greeted by what looked like the master bedroom. It was a circular room with a bed in the center, and I don't mean in the center against the wall, I mean in the center. In the center of the circle. Ugh, that reminded me of math. 

I had to give myself a mental pep talk to get through it. It is not math. It is a room. Walk forward Elise. Stop being an idiot.

Sticking my tongue out at the bed I walked around it only to stub my toe on something hard sticking out form under the bed. I had to cover my mouth to prevent myself from scream my head off. Reaching down slowly I grabbed whatever I had hit and pulled it out from under the bed. 

The more I pulled, the more bile rose into my mouth.

A face emerged from underneath the bed. I couldn't tell if it was female or male, the face looked so distorted. Hair had been ripped out from their head. Their eyes stared blankly up to the ceiling.

Reaching down I brushed my hand over their face. It was stone cold. They had been here a while.

Closing their eyes with my fingers I exhaled a breath I hadn't noticed I had been holding. Was this going to be a daily thing? I needed more warning than a stubbed toe. 

Grabbing the comforter off the bed, I pulled it down over the body. I couldn't bury them, but at least I could give them the respect of privacy under a nice blanket instead of a bed.

Standing again I felt myself falter a bit and have to grab the bed in support. This was going to be a long battle.

Walking forward once more I stepped out of the circular room, through an arch way, into something that looked like a lobby. Why do rich people need this? Do they have appointments for their bedroom? Oh gosh, my mind was too dirty for jokes like that. Moving on.

Light was beginning to pour through the glass door I had come through causing the rooms to light up more than they had been before. The light would definitely help me not trip over anything. Because sometimes I think I was blessed with two left feet. And by blessed, I mean cursed.

One foot after another, I would tell myself. Keeping my eyes on my feet to make sure I don't run into someone else. Not that I was really expecting two dead bodies in the same room, but one could never be too careful. This tactic seemed smart until I almost ran into a wall. Taking a step back and to the right, I came face to face with a door.

Cracking it open. I was pleased to hear no squeaking and once again I was saved from the horror movie cliches. 

The door opened to a hallway that had no windows and was enveloped in black. I felt like a kid that would turn off the lights in a dark room and want to run as if there was a monster lurking in that darkness, but this was no place to be a kid anymore.

Stepping into the darkness I found my eyes adjusting quickly. I could see everything, even though just moments before it was all completely black. It was a wide hallways with doors on either side. At the end of the hall was a stair case. Paintings littered the walls. 

All the doors were closed. I wasn't sure if this was making me more or less edgy. Since they were closed it could mean two things. Either someone was hiding in them or no one had gone in yet. 

Creeping down the hall, back in ninja mode, I pressed my ear to each door to check for any noises. All the rooms were dead silent. Smiling a bit to myself, I finally made it to the stairs. 

Looking over the balcony, I tried to see if there was anything to be suspicious about at the bottom of the stairs and saw nothing. As I was bringing myself back over the balcony, I felt my grip slip and I tumbled over.

One hand caught on the balcony, my legs dangled below me. Was this seriously happening right now? What happened to being a ninja. Ninjas don't fall. 

Silently scolding myself I brought my other hand to the balcony to keep myself from falling. Was I strong enough to pull myself up? Maybe. Was I going to? I was definitely going to try.

Straining my muscles I pulled up. I had never been good at pull ups. My arms were burning. 

My chin reached the balcony ledge and I moved one elbow on top of it to try and get more grip. Letting out a long breath I heaved myself up the rest of the way. 

The feet touching the ground safely again I sighed. Obviously, the ninja profession wasn't my thing. 

Returning to the stairs I walked down this time instead of flipping over the banister. Though, I did keep a tight grip on the rail to keep myself from falling.

Making it to the bottom of the stairs I stepped onto a tiled entry way. To my right was a open living room. Straight ahead was a fairly modern kitchen, and to my left was the door to the outside which was inconveniently glass.

Swiftly I went to the living room to check for life forms and found no one, but one thing stood out to me and it was the beautiful flat screen that just begged me to watch. Recalling Rodney's words about TVs I frowned to myself. Would I ever get to watch TV again? Would I ever get to do anything fun again? Battles suck.

After about an hour, I had checked every crevice in the house and just decided to plop down on the couch. How long was Rodney going to take. How would he even know I was here. It's not like I left a trail of bread crumbs for him to follow. Ahah, I'm funny. At least I thought I was funny. Nobody else seemed to think so.

Laying back on the couch I stared at the popcorn ceiling. Ewh, popcorn ceilings are the bane of my existence. They're so ugly, but almost every house had them because they're easier to deal with. I just don't understand why someone would want it though. It seems like these people would be rich enough to afford a nice looking ceiling. What's wrong with people now-a-days.

Putting my hands behind my head I could feel my eyes drooping closed. Wouldn't it be dangerous to sleep without someone here to keep watch? No, a small nap wouldn't hurt. Just a little bit. My eyes shut. 

Quickly I was assaulted by a dream. My face was being softly caressed by a man who's face I couldn't see. All I could see were his glowing green eyes. No they weren't both green. One was red. A deep crimson and the other was green. 

Was this a sign that I needed to be worrying about Christmas? Was Christmas about to punish me in my dreams for not buying presents yet? These thoughts were put to rest when I felt Mr. Christmas' other hand snake around my waist and bring me closer. His face seemed to be blurred except for his eyes. Almost as if he didn't want me to see his face.

My eyes trailed his face, inspecting the blur, and when they reached his eyes again I felt myself frozen in place. Mr. Christmas moved his hand from my face to the back of my neck. Bringing his face down to mine, close enough for his breath to fan my face. 

His mouth was placed softly near my ear and I heard him say "I can't wait to meet you myself, my little subordinate...". His words sent a chill down my spine causing my eyes to snap shut. I recognized this voice. 

This voice was the one I heard on the night my parents died. My eye brows connected together in confusion. Then they moved to a position of anger. Feeling my body regain it's movement I shoved the man away from me roughly. I wanted to scream and yell at his face, but when I opened my mouth nothing came out.

Tears were pooling in my eyes and all I could hear was low chuckling coming from the murderer who stood before me. I had been looking down after shoving him and when I looked back up, he was in front of me again and swiftly planted a kiss on my lips. My eyes widened in disgust. I quickly reacted and went to push and punch the man, but as soon as my hands collided with his body. He vanished into the pillar of smoke and shadows.

I was alone in a dark canvas of a dream. I guess at this point it was more like a nightmare. There was no trace of Mr. Christmas murderer left, but the darkness would not let me wake up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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