Act Three: Redemption: Final Part

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We spent the entirety of the that day and most of the next day getting ready. Shiemi and Kamiki helped me create decorations for my stage performance during the festival. Rin and Bon got sound stuff ready, and Konekomaru and Shima helped give out flyers for people to come. I wanted as many people to come as possible. I personally went to Mephisto's mansion and put several fliers in front of his door and in his mailbox. I even gave one to his butler, who promised he'd give it to Mephisto personally. I also made him promise not to tell him who sent it.

I hoped nothing would go wrong.

It was the night before the festival, and i was laying awake in bed. Madison and Alicia had gushed over how they were best friends with a up-and-coming singer. I pushed them off and made them go hang out with their boyfriends. I wished they had stayed so they could distract me. Now i was left with my thoughts.

I thought about all the life choices I've made. I thought about me and Mephisto, and how i totally ruined my first chance at love. I wondered about what's happened through my whole life, all the secrets I've kept to my chest, all the times people tried to help me but i didn't believe them. All the times i thought my real father was right...

There was a knock at my dorm door. I got up and curiously turned on the light, wiping my eyes. Who could be here at this time at night? I went to get a glass of water before opening the door.

And i dropped my cup. Water spashed over my bare feet and trickled into the hallway.

"M-mom?" My mother, my own real mother was standing in front of me. I knew she was my mom because i was her spitting image. She had my brown hair that i used to have, and the same eyes. The same knowing smile. The same laugh lines...

But she was supposed to be dead.

"Oh honey." She said, smiling at me. But it didn't reach her eyes, meaning she was sad about something.

"My baby girl, all grown up."

"M-mom..." I stuttered. I wanted to touch her, to hug her and tell her i was sorry for killing her, to tell her i loved her. She smiled sadly.

"Yes it's me Aaushi."

"But... b-but you're..."

"I'm what honey?"

"You're d-d-...dead."

"But I'm right here!" She smiled.

"I'm talking to you, I'm smiling at you, I'm touching you." I realized she had taken my hand. Her touch felt familiar, but cold. Deadly cold. I shuddered and forced my hand away from her.

"No, you can't be here. I must be dreaming, you're dead. I... i killed you."

"You didn't kill me honey. I promise you didn't. It isn't your fault if anything happens to me. If anything it's your fathers." She whispered that part and winked at me. I found myself laughing.

"I miss you mom."

"I know you do. I'm sorry i can't be around much, I'm a little busy. But you know i love you right?" She touched my cheek with her palm. I leaned against her cold touch.

"I love you too mom. Im sorry i killed you. And that I'm a sucky daughter."

"You're the best thing i could ever ask for. I never told you or your father, but when i left i had someone to keep me company." My stomach dropped.

"I killed..."

"Your little sister is alive, don't worry. She's here, somewhere in Tokyo. It's up to you to find her. I have to go soon, but i love you, and I'll always be here with you. Remember that always."

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