[1] Thankful Farewell

Start from the beginning

With this realisation, a maniacal smile plastered across her face as she picked up the child and positioned her upon her waist and walked in the direction she originally emerged from.

"Ma'am who is-"
"Nothing someone of your status should concern themselves with." The lady snarled.
"But La-"
"Need I remind you who you take orders from?!" She reminded him rhetorically with an isolating stare. The skinny man bowed apologetically and waited for the woman and the intimation accompanying her to walk in front before following her lead.

After the exhilarating performance the mysterious child had enacted, she'd knocked herself out and the glow that swallowed her body slowly faded on their journey out of the storm.

Hours had passed before the child woke up in a dry, glossy room. It was spotless. White walls with a marble effect and matching white tiles. It was spacious too- nerve-wrackingly so. Mumbles could be heard from outside the door and then a familiar figure stepped through. Her skin was like porcelain and her ivory dress seemed to float behind her as she prowled.

"Can you speak child?"
The girl took a moment before opening her mouth.
"Yes." she uttered nervously, "I can't remember... well, I remember falling out of the sky- from the hole, but that's really all. Where... who. Who are you?"
The stranger showed no indication of shock but the fact remained she was taken aback by its willingness to talk, and at the fact it could actually form understandable sentences.

"I'm also hurt. Uhm.." The child looked around her body to locate the source of her pain until unveiling a deep, throbbing cut on her outer thigh. She touched it reluctantly with a flinch and pulled her delicate touch away swiftly as pain surged through her leg.

"Send them in." The lady said significantly louder than before with no reluctance. A few seconds of silence passed before a herd of strange monkey-like creatures stormed the room and instantly targeted the young girl. The towering woman backed away and watched intensely.

Despite not knowing the nature of the life forms, the girl felt a profuse sense of danger.

The child glanced to the woman for some sort of help but it was obvious that the woman had no such intentions. The girl rose to stand on the large, marble stone tablet she awoke on and shifted her gaze between each life form; she began to hyperventilate. Her breaths grew shallower and quicker as if she was being suffocated maliciously by her own fear. Closer and closer the walls of her adrenaline grew as she began to feel increasingly claustrophobic within her own body. Until-


That was the start of it.
Days went by before I saw another human again. Then finally you came in with an odd man and a shitty explanation.

"Dottore. You perform any experiments on this child that I didn't authorise, and you will be punished." She whispered lowly.

The irregular male shrugged with a careless grin and stepped towards the cowering child. Pulling him back by his broad shoulders, she restated her authority. "I mean it."
"Yes. Fine. Whatever."
He then began to tinker with a tool of some sort without batting an eye toward the girl; it seemed like he had done this ten times over and was bored by the experience. Rolling her eyes, the tall lady exited the room with her parting words.
"Don't worry, Dear. It's for your own good."

At first he acted like experimenting on a child was a monotonous activity, of course that was before he realised I wasn't like the others. Then he tore me apart, put me together, upgraded and downgraded me, made me drink luminescent liquids and stuck needles in me like a pin cushion- not that you ever concerned yourself with my discomfort.

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