Dont Dwell.

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‘Psst there she is, the girl I was telling you about’

‘Did you hear about her and Luke?’

They were supposed to be my friends… Why did they believe him over me, why did no one believe me? He hurt me.

He hurt me so bad

‘Hey Luke has been going around saying you came over, and that you were the worst screw he’s ever had… I told you he was the worst’

I should have listened

‘I don’t believe them at all (y/n). I can tell you’re not that type of person’

I felt relief wash over me like a waterfall, I sighed as I fought back the tears that threatened to spill. I looked him into his eyes, he was genuine about what he said. So this is what it’s like to be believed.

‘Thank you Sal, that means a lot to me. More than you know’.

Time had passed since that day, the day I knew Sal would be one of my closest friends. I gained more along the way as he got me to become more outgoing. Todd, Neil, Ashley, Chug, and Maple. I don’t know where I would be without them. We were always ghost hunting and discovering new things along with some mysteries of the town. I had always believed in the paranormal and Sal just proved many of my suspicions to be true.

2 years and I soon realized my feelings towards Sal, but I kept them hidden away due to it being obvious he liked Ash. 

Poor guy was way too shy to tell her and we all knew it. I would always see the disappointment when she would treat him more like a brother like how I am with Larry. Larry was the only one who knew of my feelings and he always tried to encourage me to speak up. He said it would be better to get it off my chest and know the answer now and not grow old and always wonder what could have been, but why would Sal want someone like me?

Someone tainted

Today was like any other day, but I actually had the day off. I leaned back on the bean bag Sal had in his room, the smell of dragon's blood filled my nostrils and made me feel at ease. Sal loved the smell of it since the day he bought it and now he always smells of it, that and cigarettes but it was only every now and then. I watched him tune his guitar on the floor in front of me as Gizmo’s purrs could be heard from the bed as he slept. Man I adored that cat.

Today it was just me and Sal as Larry had recently started working and had some pretty long hours now. Even after all the time me and the blue boy spent together I still have yet to tell him more about me, my walls were up always out of fear I could not trust anyone. But slowly he brought down that wall brick by brick. 

Maybe it was time

‘Hey Sal?’

He hummed in response and looked at me waiting to see what I had to tell him

‘I think I’m ready now… To talk about what happened’

He didn’t hesitate to put his guitar aside and put all his attention on me

‘Hey you don’t have to force yourself, if you’re not ready I understand’

‘No Sal, it's okay. I trust you’

I sat up and took a deep breath, I never told anyone exactly what happened. I didn’t have to, Larry had put two and two together and after that all he did was just hold me until I had stopped crying. I looked down at my lap as I began telling him of what really happened that fateful night.

‘Me and Luke used to date, it was a short time. We only dated for a few days, Larry told me that the bastard hits on anyone with a heartbeat but I didn’t listen. Luke made me feel ways, like I was actually wanted. But in reality I just loved the attention he gave me, attention I stopped receiving once my dad died. He invited me over and I should have picked up the signal once he said his parents wouldn’t be home… We were on his couch and he kept touching me, I told him to stop because I wasn’t ready yet. It just didn’t feel right. He got upset but he just said it was fine and offered to get me a drink, I accepted the offer and he brought back two opened cans of soda… God I was so stupid. I drank it and then I just… blacked out. When I woke up I was in pain, he was asleep on top of me and I knew right then what happened to me, I managed to get out from under him and got dressed. I didn’t know what to do, I was in such shock. So I went home. Next day it was a living nightmare. A whore they called me, they all teased and judged me, and when I tried telling the truth no one listened and they all accused me of lying… That’s why I was homeschooled, and then a few months later you walked into the store. You knew who I was and you didn’t treat me any different, you treated me like a normal person Sal’

I hadn’t realized tears had spilled until I felt them slide down to the collar of my shirt and slightly dampening the fabric.

He stayed silent, not a word was said. The silence soon began to weigh heavily and it was agonizing

‘I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said anything’

I began to get up to leave before I felt him gently grab my wrist, I quickly looked at him before I was caught off guard by him pulling me into an embrace. I was in shock before it all came down on me, I buried my face in his shoulder and gripped his shirt tightly as it all came out, all the pain, all the sadness, the anger. The Relief. It crashed down on me like a current, I cried into his shoulder as he slowly rubbed circles into my back and gently comforted me by letting me know it was okay now, that he was here for me. 

After a while I calmed down but I didn’t want to let go. Being so close to him felt so good but I knew we couldn’t stay like this forever. I gently pulled away and let out a soft laugh at the wet stain on the sleeve of his t-shirt

‘I’m sorry about that’

‘Hey it’s fine don’t apologize, you don’t have to apologize for anything’

I smiled at him and nodded as I wiped any leftover tears I had and sniffled. He stared at me through his mask before tilting his head like he was examining my face. I soon realized he was looking at my eyes.

‘That’s not the only thing you wanted to tell me is it?’

I tensed a bit, I could never hide anything from him. He had a way of reading emotions, he could tell when something was on my mind or something was bothering me, hell he even knew when my cramps were bothering me even though I hid it well from the others.

I nodded and began to mess with my hands as my heart raced. I thought about what Larry said and he was right, it was better to know now than never know if we could have been something all along. I took a deep breath

‘Sal I… I like you, I really like you alot. I have for some time now I just never said anything because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship and I know you like-’

He cut me off by holding his hand up to signal to stop. I felt fear rise up. I ruined our friendship and now he doesn’t want to talk to me, this is it.

‘You don’t have to say anymore (y/n) it’s okay, I just… wow I never thought you had low standards’ he joked

I punched his shoulder

‘Sal shut up, you have no idea how much of an amazing person you are. I see you doubting yourself and it makes me wonder how you can not see how special you are.’

‘Look at me, do I look like the type of person who has confidence. Look, you're not gonna want to wake up to this mug every morning…’

‘Hey I choose who I fall for Sal… and I’ve fallen for you’

I heard him let out a soft chuckle 

‘You really have a way with words’

He pulled me into a tight embrace and hummed

‘I like you too (y/n). I always have’

Acid Rain (Sally Face x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now