then suddenly Mikumo stand up in his seat
"Oh?" the boy said. the Mikumo give the thing that the group playing with to the owner and the owner said "Th- Thank You..." then Mikumo got back on his seat.

Then the one of the two boy said sarcastically

"So Cool!"

"For real, this guy's so cool!"

Then some girl said "Sensei hasn't arrive yet"

"isn't he with the transfer student?"


'ehhh a new student, i hope this will be interesting~' Kira thought while smirking.

"its quite unusual to see a new face in Mikado"

"im sure it won't be a transfer student" the guy said and he continue to say "By some any chance, it'll be an official from border."

'tskk!. Tf- Border again why can't you guys stop saying that ever something happen its all about border' Kira said in his thought.

then Mikumo got shock on what he heard 
'an official from border.......?' Mikumo thought

'why so shock Mikumo, ahh yeah i forgot he's a c ranker hahahahaha' Kira said in his thought


the transfer student got late, but suddenly someone was looking at the outside door and it was the transfer student then he started to introduced theirself. 

"My name is Yuma Kuga!" Yuma said. and he continue "I'm 15 years old even though i'm short!"

"Sorry for not being on time!" Yuma said while bowing.

"Kuga-kun was living in a foreign country until recently. as its first time coming to japan, please help him." Sensei said.

Then the student starts chattering about the transfer student.

The girl ask on his seatmate "a Foreigner?" 

"That means he might soon return to his country." the other girl answered.

Then the group of boys are whispering then suddenly one of the boys shout said.

"Sensei, he's wearing a ring!. isn't this violation is school regulation?"

'Why even accessories are not allowed, school rules really are sucks!~' Kira said in his thought.

Then the on old man said "A ring....?" and look at Yuma's hands and saw a black ring

then the teacher said "Oh my, its true. Kuga-kun Having accessories" then Yuma hm. the the group of boys giggle. then the old man said "Take it off!. i'll keep it for now. do it!" while signing his hands to get it. the Yuma sweatdrop and said "Eh..... Don't wanna!"

'Pfft- wow this is interesting even though its just a normal thing i guess something is off with that Boy and i gotta say we also have the same white hair but mine has a light purple in end of the hair strands' Kira said in his thought while he hide his giggle.

Then the old man and Yuma are fighting but suddenly Yuma said "i'll give up on school... excuse my intrusion" {Author: hayyss if only i could say that 〒▽〒}

"What!?" "Wait!" "Stay here...!"

Then Mikumo stand up on his seat and raise his hand 

"Sensei. Why can't he keep it?. He must have his reasons for not giving it away" Mikumo said.

"Hmmn Mikumo is right must be precious to him since he doesn't want to give it away" Kira said agreeing on what Mikumo said. 

'eh Kira-san is helping me......??' 

"Ehh sensei it must be really precious to him that he doesn't want to give it away." The girl said.

"Sensei i agree on Kira-kun" The other said. then some of them start agreeing at Kira

'Wow!~ who would have thought they would agree' Kira said on his thought then smirk.
'i guess it working' Kira thought.


"Nice to meet you" Yuma and Mikumo said, while looking at Mikumo and Kira then Yuma start to Seat on his Desk then some of the student start to ask him question.

"Why is your hair white it just like Kira?" the girl ask.

"Oh, Before it was black! but one day to my astonishment i found out they have turned white"
Then after that some guys start to throw some paper ball on Yuma's head the Yuma look at his back and saw nothing then turn around then they keep throwing paper on his head.

'Ahh~ them again, don't they get tired' Kira said on his thought while annoyed on what's happening. 

then Yuma stands up and ask "What's This?. Why are you doing this?"

"What's This?" the guy said while trying to hold his laugh.

Then the leader said "Your greeting's what about greeting us first"

'Hehh that what you get, just because you got Kira agreed on you you think we will let you go easy' The leader thought while smirking

'Hmn what Pfft- i didint know im that popular but eww im still wondering why did i even made friends with you but manipulating you was easy'  Kira thought.

Then Mikuma shouted "Hey, stop it you guy's. Don't you feel ashamed on what your doing"
Then Yuma look at them and said "I see. The japanese greeting style!" while folding the paper ball into small piece 

But suddenly...

To Be Continue.

To Be Continue

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Yo!~ How was it???
did you perhaps like it??

Fun Fact i was doing this after my last exam.

you know prologue should be short but nahh dk what did i just do since i got cariend away writting hehe

Thats all.

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) Bye~Bye~

⫏Nekokaburi⫐ ◀[World Trigger]▶ SEASON 1 & 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن