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Btw Kira seat was in left but in his back



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No One's POV:

'Mhmn its so boring why do people always talk about border, well i can see they are cool and, also fighting those neighbor but i'm getting tired hearing it always and they are annoying'the white hair boy thought while not moving in his  desk.

'you'll probably wondering who i am my name is Kira Fukuda and i'm know as snowy i don't know what with that nickname BUT JUST BECAUSE I HAVE A WHITE HAIR THEY CALLED ME SNOWY!! hufff-... i wish i just didin't change my original hair color if they are just gonna call me snowy i feel like its a dog name or shit, Whatever'

Then a minute later~

"A recorded yesterday's battle from a safe distance" the guy said while letting his friends to see the video he recorded in his phone.

"Wooooow, what a huge Neighbor!" said the boy while watching the video.

"Did you know? my boyfriend was scouted by border" said the girl while whispering on the other girl then the girl said "Ehhh? really!? its awesome!"

Then one of the boys in said. "Ahhh, im definetely entering border too "Trigger On" " then his other friend said "it'll never happen!" and also the other said. "Yeah it's hoplesss."

the suddenly something happened.

A group of boy is bullying their classmate. then accidently throw the thing on Mikumo's head.

"HA HA HA HA, i miss your pass dude" the boy said.

"You weren't even close at catching it"

"That was lame"

Then the leader of the group said "Hey, bring it here Four eyes!"

'Ahh there they are again bullying another classmate they probably don't know but bullying is bad. ohh! its four eyes again???, woow~ another boring day just like always, they think they are some kind of hotshot their not even handsome, i really hate them but i'm still wondering how can Mikumo take those things they do to him but i bet Mikumo really doesn't want to fight back' Kira said in his thought.

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