Tom Riddle

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Y/n needed to get her wand fixed after her best friend accidentally sat on it, breaking it

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Y/n needed to get her wand fixed after her best friend accidentally sat on it, breaking it. She walks into Ollivanders wand shop and looked around as she didn't see Olivander.


Y/n jumped as she heard the daily newspaper being printed, turning around she saw the local sweetheart Tom Riddle working. "Hello Y/n, sorry if I frightened you." He smiled.

Y/n returned the smile and let out a little giggle, "It's alright Tom. Have you seen Ollivander?"

"He's out on a break. What did you need?" He asked going behind the counter, "Oh I need my wand to be fixed. Had a little accident," She chuckled as she pulled her wand out of her purse.

Tom chuckled as he took her broken wand, he looked at the wand then looked at Y/n.

"Hmm tell you what I'll take your wand and when Ollivander comes back I'll let him know you came in." He offered, Y/n smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I would appreciate that!"

Y/n brought out her money, "How much is it to fix a wand?"

Tom smirked as he put the wand away,

"How about you pay me with a date?"

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