Episode 36: Stripping the Varnish

Start from the beginning

Mina: Kaminari, you can’t do anything with your electricity?

Kaminari: I don’t know where he is, so I can’t waste my shots. Do you want a dead weight on your hands? Anyway, all we can do is run!

Mina: Which way’s the escape gate?

Kaminari: Probably… this way!

Kaminari then pointed the way. As they run to the left, they see the area block off.

Kaminari: No way…!

More pieces of the area are falling as Mina & Kaminari rolled out the way, blocking their way out.

Kaminari: Is he trying to bury us alive?

Nezu: There’s still a way out! Come on, use your heads! Think carefully! Rack your brains!

Mina use her Quirk to melt the metal to create a tunnel.

Mina: Kaminari, this way!

Kaminari: Okay!

They ended up inside a storage unit.

Kaminari: We’d end up taking a detour, but if we go out through the other side to the escape gate…

The roof started to crack as it just collapsed on them.

Monitor Room
Izuku: He’s one step ahead of everything they can think of.

Tsuyu: & they can’t attack if they don’t know where the principal is.

Momo: His plan is so completely perfect…

Khiry(Mind): Mina… Kaminari…

Izuku(Mind): In the end, they couldn’t make it to the escape gate before time ran out, &--

The horn honked signaling that the test is over as Mina & Kaminari came out of the rubber.

Robot: Team Ashido & Kaminari retires due to running out of time.

Kaminari/Mina: Damn it!/Man!

Nezu calmly drinks his tea.

Nezu: & I left one escape route for you, too. Too bad.

Nezu laughed.

Monitor Room
Izuku: Kaminari… Ashido…

Iida: They really couldn’t do a thing. They must be very frustrated.

The door open as Ochaco saw the monitor & run inside.

Ochaco: What? Mina’s team lost?

Momo: Yes. The Principal’s strategy was too perfect.

Ochaco: Really? That’s too bad!

Kyoshi: Congratulations on passing, Ochaco!

Ochaco: Thanks! You too, Hataka!

Tsuyu: Ochaco, when you were fighting against Thirteen, what were you talking to Aoyama about?

Ochaco: Hm? We were talking about…

Ochaco then remembered what Yuga told her as her face turn red.

Ochaco: …n-nothing! That’s not how it is!

Iida/Ochaco: What’s the matter, Uraraka?  Your face is red. Are you sick?/Th-That’s not it! It’s not! It’s not! It’s not!

Khiry: Are you sure? Because I can actually heart beating faster. Were you--

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