Chapter 29

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Kendall's POV

*the next day*

I stormed out of my parents car and was able to see the tall electric fence, even with all the police cars surrounding it. There was not only police cars around, there were ambulances, and fire trucks for I don't know what reason. And then I saw them. I saw the girls coming out from behind ambulance. Their dresses tattered, and their faces covered with dirt. They looked hurt, but nothing extreme.

I started to walk over to them, but then I was stopped by a police officer, wrapping yellow caution tape around the area.

"Sorry miss, you cannot pass these lines." She said.

"No, you don' t understand. Thats my sister." I looked over at Spencer, who was standing there, scared and confused.

"Spencer!" I call. She looks up and responds.


I run past the police officer and go over to Spencer. She hugs me tightly.

"Thank god your okay. I was thinking maybe A got to you too."

"No, I'm fine. A hasn't touched me. The real question is, are you okay?" I let go of the hug and take a good look at her torn dress. "Wait, what happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

I respected her decision and nodded, as the other girls ran over to me.

"Kendall!" Aria yelled

"You're okay!" Hanna hugged me.

"I thought A would get to you too." Emily mentioned

"I'm fine Emily. And now everyone knows about A, and-"

I stopped mid sentence, looking over the girls, and spotting Mona.

Wait. Mona? Excuse me? Isn't she, like dead? How is that even possible? A double crossed her.

"Mona?" I asked. All the girls turned around and looked at Mona. You know that feeling you get, when you know someone is watching you? Well, I guess Mona felt it. She looked over at us, and walked to me, looking at me right in the eye, yet slightly grinning.

"Looks like you and I both have something in common." She paused. "Our deaths were fake."

I didn't reply. I stood there paralized.

"We also have another thing in common. Both of us, are strong, and determind. We can get through anything, if we put our mind to it."

"Definetly." She said. It was an awkward conversation, but little did I know, that it would soon turn from awkward, to a beautiful relationship....

The next day, all of the girls who were held hostage in that under ground dollhouse, were questioned. Spencer told me that they asked questions about A, about their apperance, and background, only if they knew any. Spencer told them all about Charles, and she told me all about Charles the night we got home from the dollhouse scene. She discussed how charles was a twin, and how he knew Mrs. DiLaurentis. She described the video to me, and tried to have me figure it out with her, but I couldn't. I had no clue who Charles was...

That same day, Alison was released from jail. We were all there when she came out of the police station. She wasn't in that orange jumpsuit anymore. She walked out in light wash jeans and a white t-shirt. Her hair wasn't perfectly curled like it always was. It had slight waves, like it hasn't been brushed in forever.  She was all natural, which also meant no make up. For once, Alison didn't look perfect, she looked like herself.

Alison walked down the steps of the station, and went up to Spencer, Aria, Emily, Hanna, Mona and I.

"I'm sorry." She started.

"For?" Emily asked.

"Everything. Jail is like a living hell, and I think Hanna can back me up on that." Hanna nodded, and Alison kept going. "Me being a bitch, brought me to a place like that. It made you guys suffer, made so many people die. I just, I don't like it. I want to change, and it will take time, I know it will. I want to start over. Now, I have a bad reputation, and you guys probably don't believe what I'm saying right now. But, I believe in myself, and I believe I can do this. Thats all I could ever need.

There was a silence. Alison stood there, and looked at each and every one of us in the eye.

"I believe you can do it too. With a little help from your friends." I  said. And I spoke for everyone. We all smiled and hugged Alison, even Mona did.

Alison let go of us, and just went to talk to Mona.

"Think we can start over? I think you and I have given each other a fair share of complete hell."

"I agree." Mona nodded. "We all need a fresh start."

"Well, all of us are going to college in just a couple of weeks, we will all get a fresh start soon." Aria said.

"Not me." I mention. "I'm stuck here. I'm taking a year for myself remember?"

"I think you will be okay. Plus, someone has to tell us all the Rosewood drama." Spencer giggled.

"And if A comes back.." I whisper.

"We are for you. Even though the police are trying to catch A, sooner or later, A might come back if not caught. If you need us, you just give us a call. If it has to do with A, or if it doesn't and you just want to talk." Mona said.

"Good, cause I was planning to do that anyways." I grinned, and it was like a chain. One by one, each of the girls smiled, making everything brighter. I couldn't, no..I can't believe that they will all go away soon....


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