Chapter 2

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'"Oh" I say thinking hard and hard, "you've never spoken about him?" I ask and Niall nods.

"That's because he's been away for a while, he's coming back now though and he needed a place to stay, I owe him a massive favour, I basically owe him my life so I said he could rent out my spare room for a small fee" He smiles but curiosity was itching it's way around my body.

"You owe him your life?" I ask and Niall nods, hands me my books and kisses the top of my head.

What's with the bluntness?

I relax into his body and pull away when other students start to make kissy noises.

Niall laughs and promises he'll meet me after last class to drive me home.

I'm staying at Nialls tonight, we don't have a routine it's just random nights, I'm almost always at Nialls though.

English rushes by and then it's my last class, biology, I don't know why I took this class, thing is our teacher Mr.Haze he seems to enjoy teaching us about sex and what to do and how it makes you feel and to be honest it makes me so uncomfortable.

I mean me and Niall have sex, yes of course we do and it's amazing. But when a teacher is telling you how it makes you feel, it kind of makes you feel sick.

I wanted nothing more than to shove my headphones in and sit at the back of the lecture, or I could hide in the toilets?

Instead I endure this hour of hell and think about me and Niall and the plenty of times we've shared together...

Thoughtless- Harry Styles Niall Horan and Nina DobrevKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat