Johnni Test

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The sun shines over pork-belly. We close in on a two-story house with a white paint and fake blue roof. There loves a lovely girl named Johnni Test. Johnni was sleeping peacefully snoring until. BEEP BEEP BEEP CLACK. Johnni sat up and rubbed her eyes and got up. "She got up and saw Dukey with a cup of black coffe in his hand". "Thanks Dukey" she said while smiling. Dukey is a rescued dog from the pound. Johnni rescued when she was 7 and right before his final day. Her brothers made Dukey a pill and put it in his bowl causing him to start talking. Johnni was mad and stopped talikng to them for a week. She went down stairs with her coffee to be greeted by her brothers Siman and Marthin Test. "Mornin guys" she greeted to her brothers.Johnni went to the pantry to get pancake mix only to be greeted by her father. Hugh Test is a control freak of sorts and does not like anything out of order and he thinks Johnni is not organized and is a trouble maker. "JOHNNI What do you think your doing young lady" he yelled. "I am getting pancake mix dad" she said calmly. The reason Her dad is like this is because Johnni was a very eccentric kid and made more than a few messes and has caused some trouble at home for her dad and at school. Johnni was not mean or disturbed the class but she has not been able to sit still for long. The teachers saw this as a problem for her well-being since she had so much energy and no outlet. They tried to talk to her father but he just assumed she was making trouble, they hung up when he started ranting about how "bad" she was. They hung up and called her mom and told her what happened. Johnni's mom had talked to Johnni and told her to find an outlet for it. She is still very eccentric but once she found about the arts she mellowed down. "Alright don't make a mess like you always do" her dad said saying the last part under his breath. Johnni sighed and got her the mix, vanilla extract, and  milk. She poured the milk in the bowl, until the batter was completely covered and added a little if it still to clumpy. And a table spoon or two of the vanilla extract. She grabbed a whisk, pan, butter , knife , and spatula. She mixed the the batter till it was puffy. She turned on the stove and put the pan on. She grabbed the butter and waited for it to melt then she added the batter to the pan she waited until it was golden brown and the flipped it. Repeat 11 more times till she has enough food for everyone. (There like the pancakes their but more fluffy) "Morning Johnni" she heard her mother call. Lila test is a super busy mom.

After getting made CEO of her company she hasn't had much time for her kids. She is a great mother but she always over works herself. Lila is a great mother to her kids especially Johnni since she is not their to help deal with her father. "Mornin mom I made your favorite" Johnni said. "Thanks, I've really need this" her mother said with eye bags the size of shinso's. "Everyone breakfasts ready" she called to her family. Swoosh. Johnny looks over to see her brothers, fathers and, dog at the table. Dukey realized we're he was at and faked to be a dog before the parents realized what happened. After breakfast the kids get ready for school. "Oh is that the time I have to get to work, say bye to the kids for me." Lila yelled while running out the door.

45 minutes later

"Guys and Johnni are you ready to go"her dad called while whispering Johnni. Johnni was about to go downstairs until she was pulled to the side by her brothers. "Johnni as you know dad has let us have our first teen dance" her Siman said. "And we want you to invite Jil-next door" Martin says to her. "Why me" Johnni asks. "Easy you are the only one who she ever talks to and remembers besides mom,dad and Dukey" Siman deadpans. Johnni did not like Jil-  next door for one simple reason and that is Ella es una rubia tonta.( figure out what it means). "Man, do I have to" she complains. "Yes" both her brothers reply at the same time. "Okay" she says defeatedly. "Alright oh and mom and dad said you could go to our party" Martin said. "Say wah" she said baffled. The thing about Johnni is she hates parties. Why you ask, it's because she thinks they are useless and very time consuming. There are a lot of things she would rather do than go to a party. "Yeah mom said it was a good thing for you to socialize more with other kids" Simian said. "Please tell me you tried to talk her out of it" she side while rubbing the side of her head. "We did but she was set on this now take these invitations to the popular kids at your school please" Martin said while handing her electronic invitations. Johnni scowled, she hates the popular kids at school. They are the rich snobby kids who never work for anything in life. "What why invite those snobs to the party" she asked. "Easy we will invite the popular kids brothers and sisters and their little sibling will find out about the party and want to go" Simian explains. "Plus it will make us more popular at school"Martin explained. Johnni just looked at her brothers and wondered how they were geniuses. She just nodded and went downstairs. "Good your hear, trying to be more good like your brothers" her dad said. Johnni was already mad at her brothers so she just said yes and got in the car. The two boys arrived at the car a minute later. A car drive and lecture to johnni about how she better not get a call home or she grounded later  and she is at school. Johnni exsits the car and meets her jail school. It's not that Johnni hates school it's just she is how do you say. Utterly disrespected. She does not like the students because they are fake,the teachers sometimes gives work they never went over, the school bully bumper who tries to bull her but she ignores him, and the jerky popular table. The popular table are the people who made her unliked in school. Johnni was new to school and did not know there " social hierarchy" so she sat at the popular kids table. They found her there and said she was sitting at their table so she went to move. They wouldn't let her go till they bullied her a bit. Calling her names, like loser and nerd, while laughing. The other kids did not laugh so the popular scared them into doing it. Soon johnni was perceived as a loser at school. And you know what she does not care like the boss she is. Every time anyone goes up to her and makes fun of her she just puts on this deadpan look and walks away. The other students try to get her to feel sad or mad for what they are doing via the popular kids wanting to see her sad. She will not give anyone the time of day. Here johnni is walking down the hallway to her first and favorite class art. Art class is a class she expresses herself and the teacher is actually nice to the students. Johnni goes to grab her Aron of the rack and goes to a random canvas,acrylics, and brushes.

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