"May I touch you?" The words were spoken before I could stop myself. I feel myself fluster at the phrasing I used. "N- not in a weird way or anything, just to see how you are! Like how you smell me, is all." After a moment of silence passed between us, I let out a sigh. "Never mind, sorry."

Tanjiro is quick to cut off my apology and reassure me.

"No! I mean no, I understand you didn't mean anything by it. Here!" He pulls my hands from my lap and wraps them around one of his own. I still at the sudden contact, now knowing how much I've embarrassed him. Although he's flustered, he still is willing to let me. I feel his intense gaze as I trace along the callouses and scars that litter his hand.

Each scar tells a different story, while the callouses tell me about his training. Some callouses are far older probably from manual labor before he began training. Although his palms are course the backs of his hands are smoother. I trace my fingers along his knuckles and follow his tendons to his wrist. I feel him tense beneath my touch. I can't help the softness of my voice.

"I was right, you really are beautiful. You find a way to treat everyone with kindness and respect. Your determination feels like the summer sun, and your love for your sister is an impossibly strong bond. I-" I stop myself looking to where I hope his eyes are.

"I truly believe that you'll cure your sister. If anyone can, it will be you."

I gingerly let go of his hand before returning my own to my lap. I feel almost bashful in my raw honesty. To know how Tanjiro thinks and feels, I can't wipe the smile from my face. He's indescribable in his kindness and understanding towards others, its truly amazing.

"Thank you, (Y/N). That means a lot to me," His voice was soft and genuine, and I can only assume that his smile lights up the room. I take a moment to clear Tanjiro's thoughts and replace them with my own.

"How long was I asleep anyway? Where'd Haganezuka go?" I tilt my head in curiosity.

"Oh actually, he left pretty soon after you fell asleep. He was still quite angry about the color of my katana, and he stormed out."

"What?" I shriek, grasping onto bunches of my kimono. "He left me here? How am I supposed to get home? It's not like I can walk back from here!"

"No, don't worry! I'll help you get home! I'm sure we can find it, but I do have a mission from the demon slayer corps, so maybe you can stay with Urokodaki-"

"No, I can go with you. I can't fight or be able to help much in battle, but I'll still find a way to assist you. I'm not going to be left here a second time," I'm determined, if anyone is going to help me get home Tanjiro will. The air seems thick but ultimately, he sighs and agrees.

"Alright, but we have to go now. Can you do that?" He shuffles and I hear Nezuko move behind me as well. I nod and push my palms to the floor, rising to my feet. After more movement from the duo, it seems they're getting ready to leave. I kneel back down hoping to find my bag near the futon, luckily it is, and I stand once more and attempt to make my way towards a wall. I bump into wood, but it sounds hollow.

"Oh sorry (Y/N), am I in your way?" Tanjiro's voice comes closer, and the wood is pulled away from my hands.

"No, I'm just trying to find a wall, so I can find the door, but it seems I bumped into whatever it is that's on your back, I think?" I reach for Tanjiro and grasp the fabric of his haori, ready to be led from the room.

"Oh, that's Nezukos' box. She rests in it, so that way we can move during the day. Pretty neat, right? Do you need something?"

"Nope, I'm just ready to go." I smile, which drops soon after I feel him pull his haori from my grasp. He replaces it with his hand.

Not a Slayer (Blind!Reader x Demon Slayer Boys)Where stories live. Discover now