"Good morning, (y/n) I appreciate you coming in. I know it's a lot coming back the day after our last case."

"Morning Hotch, is everything all right?" you say before sitting in the chair across from him.

"Yes, well that's why I asked to speak with you this morning," he says, looking at you firmly. You just nod at him.

"Do you remember that case we had a few months back with the five murdered women strung out in parks? I had Garcia look into these cases and flag any similar ones. She found two more women killed with the same M.O."

"A flower not native to the area in their hair and openly posed in a park," you respond to him with the M.O.

"Exactly now the first woman had a petunia in her hair which is meant to symbolize deep resentment and anger. The second woman had a black rose which symbolizes death. The third woman had a black dahlia which symbolizes betrayal. The fourth had an orange Lillie which represents hatred and pride. The fifth happened when we were first investigating the case, and she had a cyclamen flower in her hair. It's meant to represent separation or maybe a sign of resignation. The sixth had aconite braided in her hair this time and this was also the most gruesome one by far. The aconite flower is supposed to be a sign of caution. The seventh woman had a butterfly weed in her hair and a bunch of them in her hand. The butterfly weed is supposed to translate to "leave me"," he explained after reading through some of Garcia's notes.

"So the last two continued to get more gruesome and both happened back to back. This is becoming more and more personal to the unsub. This means they're devolving and getting more dangerous," you say.

The rest of the meeting Hotch and you wrote a press statement which you were to deliver tomorrow. Hotch also said the BAU wasn't invited to the precinct that was investigating the two most recent victims. Which was once again Jo's precinct, so you were a bit grateful that you didn't have to run into him. The both of you were in the meeting for the majority of the workday except lunch. When the meeting was over there were only two hours left, and you spent those in the office with Penelope. She wanted to talk to you about a baby shower, and she wanted to catch up on everything between you and Spencer.

After the day was over you trudged out to the bullpen and talked with everyone for a bit. Afterward, you and Spencer made your way out to the parking garage, and halfway through he forgot a book he intended on mailing to his mom. You told him you would just pull the car up to the building if he ran in really quickly.

Soon after he ran off quickly, you started feeling like you weren't alone. The feeling of someone behind you started creeping up more and more on you. Then you heard the noise of keys dropping, your slightly rushed walk turned into a full-out sprint. You heard the noise of heavy boots taking off right after you. You desperately ran towards the stairs because once you got up the stairs your car was right around the corner, and you would be home free. That didn't last long because someone grabbed your shoulder with a tight grip.

You turned around and jabbed a small taser that you kept in your purse on his side. The man cried out in pain, falling to his knees. You looked back at him momentarily to see if it was someone you knew, but the man had a ski mask on. Before he could get close enough you managed to kick him right in the nose to ensure he wouldn't get back up and run after you. As he went to grab his nose you didn't waste a second taking off. You took off towards your car and this time you didn't stop until you were safe and locked in the car.

You drive back down to the first level in hopes to see if the man who attacked you was still there, but he was gone. It made sense because you figured If someone was ballsy enough to attack someone so close to a federal building they wouldn't be stupid enough to stick around.

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