Cheers to New Love

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Author's Note: So I decided to make a simple banner with just the title to help separate the different time jumps. Also, I apologize if this wasn't beta read and nitpicked as well as I normally do, but I wanted to get a new chapter out since it's been almost a month.

Content Warnings: Smut (18+)

Word Count: 4.3k

Chapter 9: Cheers to New Love

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Chapter 9: Cheers to New Love

"Good morning," Spencer moans into your mouth. The two of you spent all morning savoring one another. The kisses the two of you are sharing are so incredibly precious to you. They're so precious to the point where your stomach still flutters. Is your stomach fluttering because of him though? It feels slightly off to the point where you pull away slightly from him. He gives you a glance as if to ask "what's going on".

"I think I just felt the baby kick for the first time," you say with a wide grin.

"Really?" He asks, smiling wide and his eyes sparkle.

"Yeah it just feels like butterflies. I almost didn't notice it at first."

"You're twenty weeks, so fetal movement would feel like a small flutter."

It was only about seven in the morning and the two of you woke up just about thirty minutes earlier by Strauss. Strauss told everyone that the BAU wasn't needed because she was still delegating with the police departments that were investigating the unsubs that recently started targeting you. Even though Strauss could be hard on you all occasionally, she still cares for you all deeply. Since the BAU was off again today, for the time being, you and Spencer planned on just taking it easy this morning.

That relaxation was interrupted by another knock on the door. If it was any other day you would try and sucker Spencer into getting out of bed, but it was just a month ago when those pictures were dropped off at your apartment, so you beat him to the punch. True to your word, you only told JJ and Hotch about the pictures. JJ made sure to run a background check on her babysitter for safe measure and Will also knows to watch out for his safety and Henry's. Hotch put the pictures away in the file and advised you to not tell Spencer. The anxiety you had because you didn't tell Spencer only increased tenfold as you wrapped a robe around your body before making your way towards the door.

When you look through the peephole you are relieved, but also pretty confused. You unlock the door to see Morgan wearing a baseball cap, tossing a baseball back and forth into a baseball glove with a paper bag tucked under his arm.

"Hey angel, where's pretty Ricky?" He asks as you open the door more to let him in. He walks around with a smirk on his face and you can tell he's up to something.

"He's still in bed, why, what do you have planned?" You ask, curious about what Spencer's Friday would now entail.

"I need to ask him a quick favor. I've been waiting to cash in this favor ever since I took him to the airport," he says walking towards your bedroom door.

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