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1. I am Australian and have no information on American geography and I suck at research, therefore, please forgive me if I am wrong or politely correct me and I will make the appropriate changes.

2. I am a fully-abled, neurotypical person with very little interaction with the deaf and disabled community. As I previously said, I suck at research, but I know this isn't a topic I can just butcher and ignore and use as I like. So with what little ability I have, I am doing as much research as I can to make this as realistic and factually correct as possible. If I offend anyone with what I write, please, please let me know and I will either fix it or take any other more appropriate actions (such as removing my story). I do not wish to spread misinformation about anything let-alone topics I am not properly educated in.

3. If there are any other issues, feel free to message me privately or leave a comment and I will take the appropriate actions.

4. I realise that CIC hearing aids were introduced during the mid-1990s (according to the website I read), but for the sake of the story, I would appreciate it if we could ignore that little fact. Unless, of course, I am missing a piece of vital information and this is somehow offensive. Then I will happily make amendments to the story. If I could change it if it was offensive, why can't I just change it now? Well, I have ideas on how to let the other characters know that Clayton is a part of the deaf community and this would assist with those plans and I would prefer to keep it this way unless it is considered offensive or insensitive or anything of the sort.

5. As a result of my being Australian and without the ability to properly research, I don't completely understand the American school system. I have looked up multiple websites, but I am still a bit hazy on the details. Due to this, if something isn't written correctly and it confuses my American readers, maybe that's because I filled it in with terms or protocol from my knowledge of Australian schools.

6. I'm sorry if the geography/layout of the town gets confusing, but don't worry, I'm confused too.

7. Please be kind. I mean everything I write with the utmost respect and I would never want anything I say to come across as incorrect or harmful.

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