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When they come back from Paris Brent and Pierson do a YouTube video titled "WE ADOPTED A KID FOR A DAY"

P: I cant wait for the baby to come

Br: I'm so excited!

Pierson waits impatiently

Br: babe calm down she's gonna be here any minute now


Br: they're here!

Pierson speed walks to the door and opens it to see the little baby

She's 2 and a half years old and she can talk but stutters alot

P: BABYY🥺 she's adorable ahhhhh

They film and yadayadaya

She gets to spend 4 hours with Brent and Pierson after they finished filming

Pierson held her and kept kissing her cheek from how adorable she is

They went to the store and Pierson accepted everything she wanted

The baby's name is tia btw

P: tia baby do u want this??🥺

Brent looks at pierson in an awe face

Br: your gonna be such a great mom

Pierson stands up and kisses him on the lips

She didn't let go of tia

T: I want dis pweese🥺🥺

P: OH MY GODDD *she shrieks*OFC BABY

Tia smiles and giggles

When they are exiting the store Pierson holds tia and kisses Brents cheek

Br: tia do you wanna get ice cream!


P: AHH she squeezes tias cheek and kisses it again

Tia giggles

(Chill it's normal to kiss a baby's cheek)

P: what colour do u want? Pink blue purple?

T: hmmm PINK!

P: nawww ofc babyy🥺 I'll get you pink

Br: what happened to u calling me baby

Pierson gives him a death stare and laughs

P: sorry bAbY

Brent tickles her and Pierson let's go of tias hand


Br: what what

Pierson grabs tias hand again and holds her

Br: woah ur rlly attached to her

P: she's a cutieee

Br:  can I hold her


Brent pretends to drop her and Pierson screams

She smacks him


Brent laughs historically

Tia laughs aswell

P: oh u think it's funny tia??? Huh huh

She says while being sarcastic and laughing

Tia giggles

P: here's your ice cream sweety

She hands it to tia

P: here's your ice cream cutie

She hands it to Brent

Br: thx babe

P: ofc

Pierson holds tia again and it comes to a time where she has to let tia go back to her mom

Tia cries when she goes to her moms hands


Tias mom: but I am your mommy tia??


P: oh- tia baby I'm ur friend not ur mom okay?? Your mom is way better then me I bet

Tia screams more

Tias mom: omg she really loves you

P: I'm sorry😭😭🥺

Tias mom gives tia to her and let's Pierson hold her

Tia stops crying and hides her face in Piersons chest while Piersons holding her

It goes silent and they can hear tia sobbing from crying a lot

Br: omg🥺🥺

Tias mom: try put her to sleep

P: of course

In 5 minutes tia goes silent and is fast asleep in Piersons arms

Pierson gently hands tia to her mom and waves goodbye

Tias mom: bye!! Thank you guys

Brierson: of course anytime!

She leaves and pierson closes the door

P: I miss her

Br: you'll get over it sooner or later come here

He hugs her and kisses her

Br: come on let's head to bed

P: love you🥺

Br: aw baby I love you more what's wrong

P: nothing I just really miss tia and I think-...

Br: what??

He stops walking

P: I have baby fever

Br: you want a baby don't you

P: kinda

Br: aw okay maybe soon

He says while smirking at her and going to bed

P: I love you goodnight

Br: I love you too goodnight

Brierson with a bad endingWhere stories live. Discover now