Pi'veh (Star Trek)

Start from the beginning

"They make a soft purring sound." Spock answered, grabbing a wash cloth so he could begin washing the boy's body.


"Are there any other animals you wish to know about?" Spock asked, gently running the washcloth down Jim's back.

"Nuh uh." Jim shook his head, "Papa's turn."

"Very well. Do you know what sound a frog makes?" Spock asked.

"Ribbit." Jim said, with a big grin on his face.

"Very good, pi'veh. Do you know what sound a cat makes?"

"Says meow." Jim grinned.

"That is correct. You are quite smart." Spock almost smiled, but Jim still knew he was proud.

Jim he scooped up some of the bubbles and blew them at Spock, giggling as Vulcan wiped them away from his face. Spock took advantage of his temporary distraction to wet the little boy's hair.

"Papa!" Jim whined.

"I need to wash your hair, Jim." Spock said, grabbing Jim's shampoo.

Children's shampoo. Spock of course knew that it wasn't the best, but it helped Jim feel small.

Jim shook his head, trying to duck away from Spock's hands, "No wash hair."

"Jim." Spock scolded, "This is not a debate. I will wash your hair, then you may play. If you continue this attitude you will be done with your bath as soon as I have finished with your hair."

Jim pouted and crossed his arms, "Fine."

Jim tried his hardest not to relax and lean into Spock's hands as the Vulcan washed his hair. He was still very mad at his papa and no matter how nice it felt or how nice the shampoo smelled, he had to let his papa know how mad he was.

"Tilt your head back if you do not wish to get soap in your eyes." Spock said.

Jim obeyed, tilting his head back. Spock rinsed the shampoo from Jim's hair and smoothed it back away from his head. The boy yawned, all of his plans to play suddenly forgotten.

Spock raised an eye brow, almost amused, "It seems that you are tired."

"Sleepy, Papa." Jim mumbled.

"Come, pi'veh." Spock said, picking up the little boy.

Spock wrapped him in the softest towel he had. He began carefully and meticulously drying every inch of Jim's body. He quarters were a bit warmer than the captains already, but humans were so susceptible to temperate, Spock didn't want his little boy getting cold.

Once Jim was dry Spock gathered his pajamas that had been left on the countertop. Jim squirmed away from Spock's hands when he tried to dress him.

"Too sleepy. No jammies. Just snuggles." Jim protested.

"That would be illogical." Spock said, forcing the boy's arms through his shirt sleeves, still gentle enough not to hurt Jim, "There will be no snuggling until you are wearing your pajamas. Am I understood?"

Jim pouted, "Yes, Papa."

"Very good." Spock praised, noting the little smile that crossed Jim's face.

He helped Jim step into his boxers and pajama bottoms, taking care while guiding his legs. Jim had tucked his thumb into his mouth, staring up at Spock, waiting for his snuggles.

Spock picked Jim up. He set the boy on his hip, allowing him to snuggle into his side. He said nothing about Jim's thumb. The boy refused a pacifier out of fear of being discovered, so as much as is displeased him, Spock would allow Jim that small comfort of his thumb.

Spock settled down in his bed. He didn't care to change his own clothes, he would not be sleeping that night. He didn't need to rest yet, and Jim needed his protection.

"Rest now, pi'veh. I will be here to watch over you." Spock whispered, rubbing his hand down Jim's back, "No one will harm you."

Jim let out a content sigh, "Thank you, Papa."

"It is my pleasure, Jim."

The night was long and slow. Jim would stir in his sleep, but never wake. Spock could almost make out the sounds of crewman working and some plotting in the halls. He would have to look into it further in the morning.

Spock registers movement at his side. Of course, the alpha sift will begin within the hour. Jim is silent as he pushes away from Spock's body. He sits up and climbs out of the bed. He gathers his weapons from the front of the room, refusing to look at the Vulcan.

"If you say a word to anyone you're dead. You hear me?" Jim mumbled, clenching his fists.

"I won't discuss it with anyone, Captain." Spock says.

"Oh, and commander." Jim calls out just before the doors swish open, "I... Thank you."

"Of course, ashayam."

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