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niels was getting ready to go to work, when he suddenly heard a screaming followed by some cries, he and his wife bethany went rushing down to the kitchen and found thiere older son, injuring his adopted sister rachel, and they got mad at thier son for injuring his adopted sister rachel, and then niels and his wife told thier son go to your room, and you are grounded for 2 weeks no phones, or watching tv, so then niels and his wife bethany  had to take, thier daugther rachel to the hospital and thiere daugther rachel got 10 stiches in her head, and then she got discharged, and they went back home, and, thiere daugther rachel, fell asleep in her parents bedroom, and her mom was lying down with her, and niels left to work. After niels finished his worked he arrive home and find his wife and daugther rachel snuggle in thier bed, so he put his piyamas on and lay back  down in thier bed, with his wife, and daughter Rachel.

The next morning niels, and his wife woke up from thier sleep, and then they saw thier daugther rachel starting to wake up, and they told her good morning sweetie, and she said back to them moring mommy and daddy, and then her older brother woke up and said morning to his little sister, but she got scared and hide between thier parents, beacuse rachel was scared she was going to get hurt again, by her brother. So then the family decide to go to niels work, in the headquarters called the lego group, and thier duagther rachel said yessssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they arrived to the lego group and niles and his wife bethany  said to thier  daugther and son, we all are the owners of the lego group including you guys, and thier daugther rachel said yes, and they told thier son keep a eye on your younger sister, since she is 4 year old, and thier son responde back to them yes, i will keep an eye for her, so after thier parents, left to go to thier office, rachel brother said his younger sister i hate you i wish you never got adopted by my parents, and along comes a security guarda, and ask the little girl what are you crying sweetie, and she said beacuse my  brother said , some mean and hurtsfull stuff, the gaurd gave the little a girl a popsicle, and she said please take to my parntes they are the onwner of the lego group, and the security guard said yes, so they went to find thier parents, and her brother was walking with them, when they arrived to thier parents office, thier mother bethany, kneel down to be  eye level with thier duagther Rachael, and the security guard told everything about the situation, to niels and rachale about how thier son said mean things to his little sister, and they said thank you to the security, and then the security guard left, and then they where beyond furious and mad with thier son, for saying  mean and hurtfull things to his little sister rachel,, and they said to thier son frist you injuerd you little sister and then you said mean things and hurtfull stuff to her, so we decide to send you to a boarding school, to see if they teach you how to be  a role model and they will help with your behaviour beacuse is not safe for your llittle sister to be scared of you beacuse she thinks you are going to hurt her, and they said and we do not want  your  sister  rachel to feel sacred.

adopted by the  lego ceo, and his wifeWhere stories live. Discover now