Chapter 2

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but Dazai? No, that couldn't be. Dazai has been a trusted subordinate and member for two years now, and not once has he heard that kind of sound leave his mouth while talking to someone, he had been useful and proven himself worthy. And now this?

Sawako Ariyoshi ...  a dangerous woman indeed.

"Dazai, do you know this woman?" The president asked him. Dazai gulped unnoticed by anyone. Of course he knew her, however the agency was never supposed to find out about anything in his past, then again, Kyoka already knew who he was. Luckily she'd kept shut about it so far.

Before the brunette could answer the woman interfered.
"Oh we do know each other." She paused "Or at least, we used to."

"How do you know each other then?" the president asked, aware of the fact that he was provoking her.
"I'm simply a ghost of his past, just like many others are." She answered.

This was useless, Ranpo found himself realizing. He couldn't outsmart her. She was unreadable. Just like Dazai, even after two years, she was a mystery to him. He needed to know the connectioin, but there was nothing, he didn't even know her full name. He'd have to ask the president about it later on.

"Then why don't you tell us your name." Yosano, standing infont of the table, interrupted Ranpos thoughts.
"My name is of no importance to you, Angel of death. I'm here to discuss Mission TB300KC and for nothing else."
At that Dazais head snapped up, the naming of the said mission, must have rung a bell. Yosano took a step back, unsure of her next response.

"There, finally you're ready to listen without pretending to be working along side." She said.
"Cut the crap Sawako, you're here because of that mission. What of it?" Dazai said, emphasizing the word "that".

"It seems," She stopped pretending to chose her words, while the tension in Fukuzawas and Yosanos bodies got even tenser, who were closest to Ranpo, obvious even to the rest of the office. Atsushi wanted to ask something, but the woman continued talking.
"A certain amount of information has slipped and there is a chance the police and the military will soon become aware of IT"

"You must be kidding, we signed a contract on this, your and my handwriting and signature are on that formular. This was highly classicfied intel, there is no way that got out."

"Do you honestly think, I would come barging in into your new life, in an office with people who know who I am, but have no clue of our connection, if it wasn't essential for both you and me. ... I'm aware, the signature is the only thing linking you to your past and to him despite Sakaguchis work with - well no need to alk about this now."

"Miss Ariyoshi, I have no doubts that this is important, but for the sake of this office, would you care to explain the connection between you and my employee?" Fukuzawa asked her. He got up and took a slightly defencifly standing position.

"First, I don't recall giving you permittion to call my name. Second. You have your past, we have ours, if you don't want yours to be revealed you will leave ours silent as well, Silver wolf" The office went silent, some because of the threatening tone her voice had taken, others because of the name silver wolf. It was for all those aware in the office, well known that the president didn't like being reminded of this nickname and hated it as much as Yosano hated hers.

"I apologize, you are indeed correct, I hate being reminded of this person I used to be a lot and if you and Dazai feel the same way about your own, then I have no right to invade it. However you seem to be in desperate need of Dazais help and no matter who he worked for in the past, he is with us now." The president turned to look at Dazai.

"Dazai, take the rest of the day off and resolve your issue on this specific mission of yours. See to get it done as soon as possible, you may have as much time off as you need. I am by no means impatient, however in the difference to many others, I know this woman and I am not fond of her having any connection with you. Though I'm willing to respect it, since I have many connection I am not fond of, on my own. Go now and return once you've settled the problem."

Dazai was about to say something, when the woman, whose name, as they now knew, was Sawako Ariyoshi, beat him down to it.
"Come on! Let's go." SHe said in demanding tone, which caused Dazai to follow the order. He got up and walked up to the woman, looking directly into her eyes, before turning around and bowing to the president.

Then the both of them exited the office without another word, neither from them nor from the rest of the office. Once the door shut close, Fukuzawa sank back down onto the table, letting out a stressed sigh.

There was ovbious confusion in the room.

"President" Kunikida broke the silence. "Do you know who this woman was?" He asked, it hab been obvious, that both Fukuzawa and Yosano knew hwo this woman was, but he needed to know, who that woman was."

"I do." The president answered. "Ariyoshi Sawako, the red dragon. One of the most dangerous people I've ever met."

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