The next morning Win feels the hair on his chin the cat fur is definitely not like this then what the hell is he sleeping next to, he wakes up slowly now feeling some hard abs "Did I hooked up with someone last night?" Win opens his eyes at that thought. But, again it's been like what three years now since he had sex? He would remember if she shoved his dick into some ass after that long so he sleeps again closing his eyes and cuddling to the warm body next to him. Now, the said warm body moves to rub its head onto his neck "That tickles" Win laughs in his sleep before realizing that it feels like human hair he comes to his senses slowly, and when he did...


he falls from the bed after looking at the 'warm body'. The warm body is an actual human being, a hot as fuck guy to be exact. The person wakes up rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand still closing eyes and scratching his head with another hand. "Auuw that is so cute," Win thinks to himself his expression easily changing from confused and terrified to soft. "Get a grip Metawin!" he scolds himself and "Who are you?" he manages to say. The said person opens his eyes same blue eyes with the black pupil as the cat's as he tilts his head slightly and goes "I'm Bright. You saved me yesterday. Thank you for saving me" Bright says blinking his eyes innocently. For a second there, Win actually bought that his brain went all mushy from the cuteness that is emitting from the bed but he pulled himself up and said "I saved a cat, definitely not a huge ass human being. Now tell me who are you and where the hell did this cat go?" Win says. When Bright doesn't answer, Win starts looking for the cat on the bed. Bright comes to Win's face closer while he was searching and says "I'm right here" blinking again. Seriously that guy needs to stop doing that else, Win is just going to believe him. "How can a cat turn into a human being, explain to me that. I'll wait" says Win and actually sits on the couch chair near the bed. "Do you want me to transform now?" Bright asks waiting for his permission. 

You can transform into a cat? Do you think this is a joke?" Win scoffs while folding his hands and leaning back. 

"I'll show you then," Bright simply says, then a mystical lavender with sparkles wooshes in the air, and there it is the exquisite cat sitting with its tail coming around its legs and hand looking at Win. Win almost falls off the chair after witnessing the unbelievable thing that just happened. "WHAT IN THE HELL!!!" he screams before running away and the cat jumps from the bed onto the floor and transforms into its human form mid walking the same lavender mist whooshing while doing so.

"Do you believe me now?" Bright says and Win just stands still looking at him. "Huh?" Bright says after a few minutes.

"Okay okay, I believe you. But why on the earth are you naked?" Win shouts and turns away. Bright just falls on the bed looping around the duvet looking like a loaf. Cats don't care, right Win thinks to himself. Sighing, he goes around Bright's face and says "I want to know more about you, creature. But I'm running late I'll talk to you once I come home"

"And when will that be?" Bright asks oh so cutely and Win thinks Can I just take him with me. 

"In the evening. And can I expect you to be nice while I'm gone?" Win basically purrs as Bright stretches himself and sits on the bed duvet covering his entire body with only his face visible.

"No. Because I'm coming with you," Bright says curving his lips upwards smiling a little, and OH MY GAWD he's cuter in his human form. Now, there's no way in hell that Win can say no to that, and Win knew at that moment that he can never say no to Bright ever. "How will you come?" Win asks without any argument. "By being a cat", Bright says as if that's obvious."Fine. But behave yourselves okay?" Win asks and Bright nods at that he's so cute that Win just wants to pinch his cheeks. Ughh, Win needs to control himself now it was hard already to control his little buddy when he saw Bright naked he's lucky that Bright didn't see that or it would be embarrassing.

"Okay. Take a nap or whatever I have to shower," Win says and heads to bath. He tries he really really tries to control little Win but the hot water just made it worse images of naked Bright cloud his brain he almost reaches it when Bright pounds the door "There's a glowing thing in here" Bright says a little scared "Now what creature decided to invite themselves to my condo" Win mumbles before wrapping a towel to his waist and getting out of the restroom. "What is it?" Win asks the standing loaf (Bright covered in a duvet) Bright points towards the lamp table with his head and "He's adorable" Win thinks to himself turning soft again. "Huh? Where" Win asks again coming out from his thoughts and sees his phone, his alarm is ringing "So, the glowy thing is this?" Win asks absolutely stupefied and Bright nods with the same scared expression. Maybe he got scared with the vibration "Oh I need to protect this creature at all costs" Win mumbles to himself. "Aw, come here." Win says and Bright wiggles his way to Win in that duvet and Win can't help himself but hug him wrapping his hands at the back of Bright "It's nothing it's just a phone" and pats Bright's hair when he looks up to him in confusion. 

A phone?" Bright tilts his head and moves his head closer to Win... Win's hand and hold the phone with his teeth blinking when he can't chew it. Win removes the phone "What are you doing?" asks Bright smiling. "It's not eatable?" Bright asks confused and Win laughs at that "No, you idiot. I'll get you one. You will need it when you're a human" Win says and gets ready to leave for work. Win gets into the car after opening the passenger seat placing the cat and putting a seatbelt on it "Don't turn into a human. I don't want you to be butt naked" Win warns and the cat nods.

When reached the company, the cat looks at the window astonished pressing its nose to it, and Win boops it from outside the window. Startled the cat backs down and Win laughs at that while the cat just glares at him. Win stops laughing at that and takes the cat from its seat securing it in his arms and petting it but the cat just turns its head to the opposite side. Cats get offended easily, right. "You are sulking at me already?" Win purrs while moving his arms and cradling the cat rubbing his nose on it. He's a goner. Win is greeted with an "Oh my, who is this magnificent cat" Nani looks stunned coming to pet the cat, and Win turns the opposite way "Haha, he doesn't like it when strangers pet him" Is he getting jealous already? Whatever, but he just doesn't want the cat to feel uncomfortable that is all. "Fine. Where did you get this? I thought you were scared of animals?" Nani enquires and the cat looks up to Win as if waiting for an answer "I am scared of animals." Win makes a face and the cat turns its head the opposite way again Nani laughs at that "But, you didn't see this cat yesterday it was drenched in rain. My poor heart couldn't handle it" Win says placing the cat on his desk. "You did the right thing Win," Nani says patting Win on his shoulders. The cat walks up to Win and places and a kiss on Win's lips leaving Win stupefied and Nani grabs his shirt where the heart is and goes "Aw. My heart couldn't handle this!" Win laughs at that. Win gets close to the cat, and boop its nose "I want that kiss when you turn into the human" Win says and the cat blinks going back and turning its head shyly making Win giggle.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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