The mathematics teacher then took a glance at the post in the forum. His intuition told him that Fu Zhi was not that kind of student, so he added, "Oh yeah, Ms. Qian... In my opinion, there's no right or wrong decision. Fu Zhi will decide if she wants to give up the slot for Lu Chuwan or not. She got the slot with her own effort, so you shouldn't force her."

Qian Wenrui was about to say something, but the mathematics teacher was already gone.

She could not believe the things the mathematics teacher had told her. Therefore, she took out her phone and searched for "Li Nanli" on the web.

By the time she went through everything there was about him, she could only think of two words to describe him—"wealth" and "power".


Inside the office, Fu Zhi threw herself on the couch. She pulled out her phone and realized she had received a voice message.

It was from her nephew.

A 20,000-yuan transaction notification had also come before the message.

Fu Zhi did not accept the money this time. She knew her nephew had tried to help her, so she said, "Good job, Xiao Li. You finally removed your wisdom teeth! Now you know how to help your aunt!"

Even though Fu Zhi was able to solve this issue herself, she figured that all kids loved to be complimented by their parents.

Chapter 142: Giving Money
Li Nanli ignored Fu Zhi's message and urged her to take the money.

After all, money was the only thing in this world that could make Fu Zhi happy. However, things were slightly different this time. Instead of taking the money, she unprecedentedly transferred 5 cents back to her nephew.

After doing that, she said, "This money is for you to buy yourself a lollipop!"

It was 7:30 in the morning.

Li Nanji, who had just emerged from the bathroom, fell into a trance as he stared at his phone. His damp hair hung over his eyes, and rivulets of water streamed down his hard jawline before disappearing into his collarbone.

Zhizhi had given him money.

The water droplets that dangled from the tips of his hair fell on the black velvet carpet on the floor as he shot up from the couch. He continued to stare at his phone, the tips of his ears slowly turning red.

'Zhizhi gave me money. Does this mean that she wants to be my sugar mommy? Does it mean that she loves me too? Does it mean that...'

His fingertips were turning red as his mind began to run wild.

He did not reply to Fu Zhi for a long while.

It was only when Fu Zhi was about to send the message "I've been tight on money recently" that Li Nanli snapped out of his trance. He accepted the money and then sent a voice message to Fu Zhi, his voice deep and husky with emotion. "Thank you, Zhizhi. I really appreciate it."

Fu Zhi did not know what to say. It was just a tiny lollipop, so she did not understand why her nephew would be so happy about it.

That being said, she had just adopted a penguin for Xu Wei and given money bonuses to her staff in the research institute not long ago. She was really tight on money at the moment, and 5 cents was all she could afford now. Therefore, she was pretty happy to see that her nephew was satisfied with the lollipop.

'He's really a good person,' she thought.


The incident with Fu Zhi had caused quite a commotion at school.

TMH:RID.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora