Sam finds out

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While hunting down the Flagsmashers with Zemo,Bucky was feeling Little and was fidgeting. Sam said"Hey Bucky,You ok? Bucky said"I'm fine". Sam said"You sure,your fidgeting a lot"? Bucky said"Yeah,I'm ok". Zemo said"We can stay here in my get away house". Bucky said"After this,You're going with the Wakandians". Zemo said"We've reached an Agreement". Bucky set his bag down and said"I'm going for a walk". Sam said"Ok,Be back here before lunch". Bucky said"Yeah,Yeah". Bucky went off on his walk,he sat on a bench. Thinking of having a Caretaker to care of him when he's little. Bucky's phone rang,he Answered it. Bucky said"Hello"? Sam said"Hey,I got lunch ready. You coming back"? Bucky said"Yeah,I'm heading back". Bucky headed back to the house. Sam said"Here you Bucky". Bucky said"Thanks Sam". After Bucky ate,He went to the bathroom grabbing his bag on the way. Bucky had locked himself in the bathroom. Bucky said"Not again"! Bucky Changed his pants and underwear then went out the bathroom. Bucky laid down on the couch,facing the the cushions and crying. Sam said"Hey Bucky,What's wrong"? Bucky said"N-Nothing". Sam said"I know somethings wrong or else you wouldn't be crying". Bucky Said"Ok,Well I-I-I'm a L-L-Little b-b-but I d-d-don't have a-a-anyone to take care of me". Sam said"Is this a recent thing? Like after the blip"? Bucky nodded,tears rolling down his face. Sam said"Oh Bucky it's ok. If you want I can be you're caretaker"? Bucky Said"R-R-Really"? Sam said"Of course,We're family Bucky". Bucky sat up and hugged. Sam said"You feeling Little right now Bucky"? Bucky nodded. Sam said"Do have a Pacifier in your bag"? Bucky said"Y-Ywes". Sam got it out and gave it to him. Bucky grabbed Sam's hand,pulling Sam to him. Sam said"What is it bud"? Bucky said"C-Cwuddle"? Sam said"Sure sweetheart. Hey,You call me daddy if you want". Bucky said"Okies". Sam sat down on the couch,Cuddling Bucky. Sam said"My Little Soldier". Bucky felt happy cuddling with Sam. Later... Bucky woke up from his nap. Sam said"Hey Buddy,Did you have a good Nap"? Bucky said"Mhm. Daddy"? Sam said"What is it Sweetheart"? Bucky said"H-Hwungry,Daddy". Sam said"Ok buddy,Would you like a snack"? Bucky nodded. Sam said"Well let's see what Zemo Has". Bucky got up off Sam,his Pacifier in his mouth. Sam picked him up. Sam said"You aren't even heavy". Bucky said"I lwike thwis". Sam said"So looks like Zemo has candies,Cheeto puffs,Fruit snacks and Crackers". Bucky said"I wants Cheeto puffs". Sam said"Ok Baby boy. Let me get a bowl and put some in". Sam got the bowl and poured some in the bowl then gave it to Bucky. Bucky said"Thwanks Daddy". Sam put him down. Bucky walked back to the Living room and sat down on the couch,Eating his snack. Zemo said"We've got a lead on Karli,So we better get going". Sam said"Bucky,Can you be Big for me Baby"? Bucky nodded. Bucky went off to get changed into his jacket and to get a weapon. Sam took the knife and said"Not on my watch Mister". Bucky said"Aw C'mon"! Sam said"There's enough knives with Karli and the Flagsmashers. I don't need my partner stooping to their level with the Knife". Bucky pouted. Sam said"Enough of that Mister". Bucky went back and got a rocket luncher. Sam said"Uh no,Too Dangerous". Zemo said"Here James,take this one and give me that". Bucky took the gun from Zemo and gave him the Rocket luncher. During the Mission.... Bucky was fighting some of the Flagsmashers but got hurt. Karli said"No! We don't hurt him"! Zemo captured Her and said"You're coming with us girl". Karli said"Fair enough Zemo". Zemo said"How do you know my name"? Karli said"I did my research on you and you're royalty". Back at the House... Zemo was turned over to Wakandians. Karli said"You're a Little". Bucky said"How do you know"? Karli said"I can just tell". Sam Said"So Karli,Would you like to come with us to the US"? Karli said"Sure. Sam,how old are you"? Sam said"I'm 38". Karli said"I'm 28". Sam said"We leave tomorrow. Bucky,Bedtime". Bucky said"Ok Daddy". Karli said"Night Bucky". After Bucky was put to bed,Karli and Sam where watching a movie in the Living room with popcorn and some candy along with some soda. Soon the two of where asleep...

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