Chapter 1: Chase Leaving His Home and His Parents To Go Fight In The War!

Start from the beginning


Email doesn't paste but its U.S/ (Fake email not real)


Phone number:

647 442 4286. (Fake phone number not real)

Hope to see you there, Chase!

Sincerely. President of U.S/Canada

Chase: Am I allowed to go?

Chase's Mom: I will allow you to go if you dad says yes, but what about your studies and your poor sister? Also, please don't die in the war!

Chase: What do you say mom? How about you dad?

Chase's Mom: Nothing.

Chase's Dad: Well, I say its fine by me. Also ask your sister?

Chase: What do you think, Bella?

Bella: I don't mind Chase going it's just I will have no one to play with.

Chase: When I go to the military, I'll make some friends there and one of them might live close by and I can ask them if they have sister or brother and they could come play with you? Is that alright?

Bella: Sure!

Chase: So, I guess all you guys say yes?

Chase's Mom: Yup

Chase's Dad: Yup

Bella: Yup.

Chase: Thank guys!

Chase's Family: No problem, Chase!!

Chase: Hey, dad, can you send them an email saying that I'll would love to join and when they want me to come??

Chase's Dad: Ok and I'll get right on that!

Chase's dad takes this mail and see that there is an email and sent them a message saying that Chase would loves to join the military and when he should start get ready.

Chase's Mom: You two should get ready for bed now cause you two have school tomorrow!

Chase and Bella: Ok mom!

Chase: Let's go Bella, I'll tuck you in bed.

Chase's Mom: Thanks Chase! Being a responsible son for your younger sister!

Chase: Quiet mom!

Chase's mom and dad laugh when Chase said that.

Chase goes upstairs with his sister to her bedroom and tucks her in bed.

Chase: Have a good sleep and sweet dreams Bella!

Then Chase kisses his sister on the head.

Bella: Thanks Chase! Hope you have a good sleep too.

Chase: Thanks.

Chase goes out of Bella's bedroom while closing the door behind him. Then Chase goes to his bedroom, closes the door and tucks himself in bed for school tomorrow. Later his parents go to bed together.

Time past to the morning.

Chase's mom and dad wakes up and get ready for the day. Chase's mom is a pilot while Chase's dad is a police officer/Spy officer. Chase's mom makes Chase and Bella's breakfast, then makes themselves breakfast and sits at the table. Chase wakes up as he saw the sun is passing through the bedroom window at 7:30 Am. Then he goes downstairs and sees his mom and dad sitting in the table eating their breakfast.

Chase's Dad: I got an email back from the military.

Chase's Mom: Really?!?

Chase's Dad: Yup, here I'll show you.

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