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I carried her inside from the rain. She was asleep so I was careful not to wake her. I walked to the couch and put her down. I sighed and looked at her. She was so pretty. I loved her so much. I walked into the bathroom and started to undress for a shower.

"Ander?" I jumped.

"C-Callie! H-hi..!" I said shakily.

"Hi... are you gonna shower? Can I come with you...?"

"U-uh I don't..." Before I could reply, she undressed and stepped into the shower.

"You coming?" Callie asked. I'm about to. I thought and stepped in the shower with her. When we were done taking a shower I gave Callie my hoodie and grabbed another one from my dresser. Then, we sat on the couch and watched a movie. Callie started to scoot closer to my lap and I put her on it, wrapping my arms around her. She put her head on my chest and my brain told me she was listening to my heartbeat.  I looked down at her. So cute and adorable, it was hard to tell if she had a bad side (but I knew she did~).

"Can we go to bed? I wanna cuddle." She asked me, opening her eyes.

"Yeah, sure." I turned off the movie and carried her upstairs. Closing the door. Callie climbed into the bed. She crawled under the covers and laid her head on the pillow. I crawled in next to her and snuggled her close. I could feel her breathing. I closed my eyes.

How did we get here? Well, let me tell you.

Me and Callie walked out of school. I was sleepy as fuck and she felt a little.... energetic.

"Hey, Ander, let's go to the smoothie shop!" Callie exclaimed, "They have a new flavor."

"Oh?" I asked, "What is it?"

"Chocolate cake." I nodded.

"I love chocolate." I smiled and walked with Callie to the smoothie shop. When we got there, we ordered chocolate cake and went to find a seat.

"So, uh, Callie." I started, nervous. "Does this count as a date, or are we just hanging out?" She looked at me, puzzled.

"If you want it to." She continued to sip her smoothie. I stared at mine. I loved Callie, I just.... can't get enough courage to ask her out.

"So, where do you want to go after this?" Callie asked me, looking up from her smoothie.

"Uh, maybe the park? We might want to go home and change, it looks like it's going to rain." I glanced out the window. The sky was gray and cloudy.

"Heh, it's Grey outside." Callie looked at me, expecting me to get the joke.


"The sky is gray and we have a friend, Grey!" Callie laughed and I did too.

"Ohh. I'm so stupid!"

"Haha no you're not." Callie smiled at me and I blushed a little. Why can't I just ask her out??

When we got inside, me and Callie changed into some rain-clothes and walked to the park. On the way there, Callie grabbed my hand. I blushed a bright red and she giggled, looking at me.

"You're so cute puppy." She said. I blushed harder. I called her kitty-cat and she called me puppy. I liked the name (because whenever I'm around her I'm either hyper like a puppy or obedient like one). When we got to the park, we sat on a bench and I put my arm around Callie. I smiled at her and she smiled back. She leaned on my shoulder and we sat there cuddled like that for a long time. Another couple, a boy an a girl, walked up to us.

"Hey, could you two move? we want to sit here." The girl said. Callie gave her a stern look.

"But, we're sitting here." She said.

"Yeah, and we want to sit there too. So, could you please move?" The girl was losing her nerve.

"No." Callie said. I looked at her, scared.

"Can't we just-" Callie put a hand up, her and the girl glaring at each other.

"We're staying." She said firmly.

"You're leaving." The guy said.

"No, we're not." I fought up the courage to speak. "And if you have a problem with that-" I stood up, towering over him- "Then you can go find somewhere elso to sit." I looked straight into the guys eyes and he scoffed and walked away with his girl. I sat down and looked at Callie. She looked at me, blushing.

"I love you..." She whispered.

"I love you too." All of a sudden, she jumped onto my lap and kissed me, the sensation still burning within me whenever she kisses me like this. I pulled away but she kissed me again, adding tongue as she went.

"Mmm... babe~" I moaned against her lips. I started to get hard. Then, Callie did the most uncalled for thing ever...

She reached into my pants...

and stroked my hard cock.

"Ah~" I tried to be quiet but her kisses went to my neck, making me even more hard. All I could do is sit there and become hard.

"C-can we do this at home~?" I asked through a red face.

"C-can we just do it here?" Callie mocked me. Before I could object, a loud roll of thunder erupted from the sky. Callie whimpered in fear and I winced a little. We both hated thunder, but worse, lightning. A flash of lightning emerged from the sky. Callie hid in my chest and I cuddled her softly but tightly. I stood up, picked Callie up, and put her on my shoulder. Then, started for home.

And that's how we got to here, she fell asleep on my shoulder when it started to rain and I brought her inside and showered with her (she kept staring at my dick though...).

So, yeah. That's it!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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