Important interruptions

Start from the beginning

"What does it mean?" She asked, leaning closer again.

"I stepped in dog shit."

Ellie flicked him on the nose with a scowl and he threw his head back in hilarity.

"When on earth am I gonna need that?!"

"Probably more frequently than most actually." This time, she shoved him in the shoulder so he fell flat on his back, "But in all honesty, it doesn't matter what you say, you can make every damn thing in French sound like a wet dream."

"Bloody hell." Ellie sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Honest, beautiful! You might not know what it means, but fuck the things it does to-"

By this point, she'd learnt the best way to shut Sirius up was by kissing him, as it took all of two seconds for his brain to turn to mush. His hands snaked around her waist to try and pull her down with him, but Ellie started shaking her head back and forth.

"The shit that comes out of your mouth sometimes, I swear." She mumbled against his lips.

"You can shut me up anytime, I wouldn't be offended." He grinned in return, trying to kiss her again.

"No more. I'm pretty sure you're late to your Order meeting."

"I'd rather be here."

"You say that now."

"I thought you were the one that didn't want me to join?"

"That's not entirely true, but I also know that if you don't go now, you'll regret it later."

Ellie was right, she always was, but that didn't make dragging himself out of her bed in the Orangery any easier for Sirius. He wanted to while away Easter being with her like this, lazy and ridiculous, because he could already feel a melancholy madness trying to take a hold of him whenever he thought of how she wasn't going to be there at Hogwarts ever again.

Sirius couldn't ignore the practicality of it, perhaps she was safer away from the mysterious whoever that had scarred her skin head to toe, Snape and his curious eyes that said, 'I know she's one too', but at the same time, he was sure nothing good would come of them being apart. All of them. For already he could see just how out of the loop Ellie was going to be when she returned during the holidays.

They'd be fighting a war and she'd be none the wiser.

When he looked at the beautiful girl now, how she gazed back at him as if he could set the whole world alight and she'd still love him, Sirius knew they'd sustain the physical distance, but a fear washed over him that maybe they'd never find their way back to each other afterwards. They'd spent years getting to this point and their love was known for being volatile, so what if things were different when he was fighting and she wasn't allowed or available to? Would he even be able to discuss Order meetings and potential assignments with her if she wasn't a member? They were certainly secretive about it now. And when the couple tried to keep secrets from each other, things were usually prone to falling apart.

"Padfoot?" Ellie called him from some of the dark corners of his mind so softly that he almost didn't hear her. Only when she stood off the bed herself, resuming her 'are you okay?' stance with his face cupped in her hands and her head cocked to the side, did he blink himself back to the present, "Where did you go then?"

"Nowhere. I'm right here, silly." Sirius teased, only his tone wasn't as light as it should've been.

She saw straight through him.

"Tell me."

"I dunno." He shrugged, "I'm just thinking whether I really need to join the Order right now."

good things fall apart • sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now