I Just Want To Be The One You Love

Start from the beginning

"This makes everything so much more fun! I need to catch my pray before anything!"

Phil, Tubbo and Ranboo were running and running not even looking behind. After they got out the forest they ran to the prison only to see  Sam bloodied on the floor and ponk with Foolish crying over him.

"Ponk! Foolish!" Ranboo ran to them unaware that behind them Tommy already catched up and is only waiting for the perfect time to attack.

"Ranboo! Oh my god were so happy you survived!"
Foolish stood up with a red face and came to hug him. His eyes widened. An arrow. Straight through his chest. Straight through his heart.

"FOOLISH!" Ponk ran to catch Foolish and put him onto the ground next to Sam. Then. Another arrow. Into Ponks chest where his heart lays.

They were all shocked until behind Ranboo Phil and Tubbo got a arrow with harming effect onto it. They feel to the floor in pain.

"Phil! Tubbo!" Ranboo rushed to them only for Tommy to throw him onto the ground. Tommy now tied him again with rope.

Tommy then went to Phil and stepped onto his back. "Out with your wings." He sounded scary. Phil obliged and Tommy got out his axe.

Tommy gripped Phils wings and put the axe onto the base.

Phil screamed out of pain. Tommy was pretty sure that if someone else was still alive they would have heard him miles away. Eh. Slowly but surely Phils first wing was off. Then he moved to the other and cut it off to. Then he poured a regeneration potion on it making sure it burned.

Meanwhile he went to Tubbo and stepped on Tubbos back. He bent down to tubbos horns and slowly but surely cut them off. pouring a regeneration potion on there too.

Making sure ranboo saw everything he went back to Phil and took out his axe he murdered Techno with. "How about you die like your son.." and then Tommy brought his axe down on Phils head again and again.

He moved to Tubbo. "And you die like your son.." then Tommy threw Micheals head jnfront of Tubbo it was sliced off neatly.

All of a sudden Tommy started singing.

"I don't want to set the World on fire~"

And Tubbos head was off with a clean cut.

He slowly walked to Ranboo.

"I just want to start, A flame in your heart.."

He stopped infront of Ranboo.

"I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim."

He dropped on Ranboos lap and grabbed him by his collar.

"I just want to be the one you Love!"

Love, Love, Love!

"And with your admission, that you feel the same!"

Tommy then stabbed him in the stomach.

"I just want to be the one you Love.."

Love, Love, Love!

Tommy got off Ranboo and left the sword in his stomach.

"I Don want to set the world on fire!
I just want to start, a flame in your heart.."


"Tommyinnit then Stabbed himself and layed next to Ranboos already dead corpse. The end."

"Man to think this could happen any time. I also want to say that he has the same name as you Tommy" a Teen said.

"Well, Tommy must be a common name then. Anyways time you go to bed. You have school tomorrow!" The person telling the story now known as Tommy said.

"Aww man. Alright. Night Tommy!" The teen said.

"Night Kid!"
Tommy stood up and went into the kitchen making three breads and went to the basement door. He looked around to see if he was alone and went downstairs.

"I got some bread! Here" Tommy gave three people each a bread.

"Sadly were there no leftovers boo! Otherwise I would have given you some." Tommy said to a person who only had his arms tied to something behind his back.

"It's fine Toms. Atleast we got food right?" Boo smiled and as his arms were free he took the bread and ate.

Tommy moved to the other two people and fed them himself and by one person he went to the wings to clean them but they were just put away as he came close to them. So Tommy stood up and went back to Boo.

Boo smiled at Tommy and Tommy put his head onto his lap. He was giving him headpats while he sang.

"I don't want to set the world on fire~
I just want to start,
a flame in your heart~

I've lost all ambition for worldly aclaim~"

The other people in the room had tears streaming but tried to sleep.

Boo on the other hand was enjoying every second of this.

"I just want to be the one you Love, Love, Love, Love
And with your admission,
that you feel the same
I just want to be the one you Love, Love, Love, Love"

Boo was slowly drifting off to sleep
"I don't want to set the world on fire~
I just want to start,
A flame in your heart~..

I don't want to set the world on Fire~
I just want to start,
A flame in your heart~.."

Tommy smirked petting boo aas he was asleep.

"You're mine now Ranboo~"


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